Through the Age of the Dragon - Dragon Age ISOT IC (2024)

It is better to be respected than loved

Tents as far as the eye could see.

Just hours before, these fields had been occupied by a chaotic, mangled mass of people who had literally stepped out of a battlefield. Soldiers, civilians, animals, beasts and machines of war thrown together without system or reason, stumbling into the unknown.

The ignorant observer would be hard-pressed to believe that now. Following their arrival, men and skeletons had almost immediately started to put up shelter in the form of tents of various sizes, as they had done hundreds of time during far worse conditions. And while the fabrics of the carried abodes showed obvious signs of wear, tear and battle damage, they were arrayed in neat lines and well-placed circles. Space between them left paths fit for anything needing to pass through. Different sections were organised for a variety of needs, such as medicinal aid, food distribution, weapon stores, and even a few places of entertainment.
Beyond the obvious compartmentalisation of resources, both the living and the dead distributed the work between them in unison. Skeletal hands unerringly moved tools to dig trenches, latrines, or set up fortifications, while skilled mortal hands took care of the wounded, patched and mended materials, or scoured the surrounding areas for game.

A massive, buzzing hive of harmonious activity, a small nation at work.
Yet while the people toiled, the living, unlike their apathetic skeletal counterparts, were burdened with trepidation.
Fear of their undead allies had long since faded for most, replaced by gratefulness for guards that never slept. Yet many a man who calmly walked by a skeleton would flinch at the sounds of birds taking off from faraway trees. Would cautiously look at the grass, as if disbelieving of its healthy green colour. Just as many would at times halt what they were doing, waiting for an earthshattering quake that never came.

Almost all, unerringly, looked to the skies. Their tired minds not yet accepting that they remained a simple blue, that no demons roamed it. That no meteors fell from the heavens.

The one thing they beheld in the sky that they were familiar with was the serpentine form of their Lady and Ruler, the Great Storm Dragon, Miao Ying. And those with the sharpest eyes would also notice the glimmer of gold held in her left front claw.

As she had done ever since their long trek from Nan Gao began, the Dragon circled high above them. Looking for any threat to the subjects beneath her.

The sight unburdened the hearts of many. But they only allowed themselves a collective sigh of relief when Miao Ying began to descend back towards the camp. For she and the fellow ruler she carried were headed towards the centre of the camp. The centre, not towards one of its edges in order to face a threat they spotted.

They were safe. For now.

It was not quite the biggest camp within the camp, but certainly the most elaborate and impressive looking. It was being used by only two people, both of whom agreed that any waste of space was worth it due to what the tent symbolised.
In the middle of the grand tent's interior, on top of intricately woven carpets worth more than an entire village, the two leaders of the Serpent Bond stood. Miao Ying facing away from Khalida as the undead queen comber her snow-white hair.

"The town and its surrounding settlements look to be human in origin." Miao stated. "Their appearance reminds me of when I briefly visited the nation on the other end of the Silk Road."

"The lands of Sigmar's followers." Khalida replied. "I have beheld its southern parts on occasion when hunts of Neferata and her brood led me there. Though to me, what little we saw brings to mind when men in steel armour on colourful steeds invaded Nehekarah in the name of their Lady god.
The similarities are but superficial. Neither nation would leave their lands so open to attack by what dwells in their forests."

"Not even in the shadow of Wei-Jin were people this careless." Miao agreed. There was a brief pause as she allowed herself to simply enjoy the feeling of bony hands running across her scalp.
"Has your Goddess answered?"

There was a soft, reverberating sound as Khalida's chest tried to take a breath with lungs that were not there. Ceasing her work, she looked to the side where her Serpent Staff leaned against a pillar, then raised her hand in front of her face, seeing it engulf into a green glow.
"Only her gifts still heed my call. Where she once granted strength by presence alone, there is but a silence deeper than the grave."

"And though the winds of magic no longer flow as they were wont to do, Ghyran's fury still heeds me." Miao said, raising her own hand to have electricity crackle around it. "Their will succeeded. The wall was pierced. We must be in spheres unknown."

Dismissing the lightning, she ponderously kept staring at her hand. Khalida quietly walked to a nearby vanity, putting down her comb and instead picked up a small tray with Miao's headgear. Walking back over to the Dragon in human form, she spoke:
"Through sacrifice, oblivion was averted. And duty persists."

"So it does." Miao agreed, lowering her hand and standing still as Khalida began working the jewellery into her hair. "The reports will arrive soon, but we should have enough rations to feed my subjects for nearly a cycle. Before then, we need to establish a firm home."

"Neither of our people are meant to be nomads." Khalida agreed. "Yet a people who build cities of stone, even barbarians, will not leave lands unclaimed."

"A people who build cities of stone will survive the loss of one." Miao stated matter of factly.

Just as casually, Khalida argued back: "A thousand cuts can fell the greatest giant. Our people have lost too much to bleed dry in a pointless war."

"Yet to avoid confrontation and head into the sunrise could leave us searching for unclaimed lands that do not exist, growing tired as barbarian hordes encircle us."

"We must not flee in order to retreat, and we must not do so for long. But to learn more about these lands and where we might fit into them."

"A camp such as ours cannot hide. Mortals fear what they do not understand. They seek to control what they fear to feel safe, and what greater control is there than enslavement and death? Fear alone must not be allowed to fester."

Putting the finishing touches on Miao's headpiece, Khalida spoke in the ancient tongue of Nehekarah: <"Meeting the barbarians as we are now will have the future be grown on ignorance if we cannot even communicate beyond gestures.">

When Miao responded, she did so in fluent Nehekahran as well: <"Human tongues are a limited tool. I have learnt more languages than the world remembered. A new one will be picked up in a day.">

"So we confront the barbarians and dictate what they know of us. This leaves the matter of approach."

Just then, she was finished with Miao's hair, taking a step back. The Dragon in human form turned to face her, the two rulers locking eyes.

"Fear can play its part in rule, but on its own it does more harm than good. The best way to make humans follow you is through respect."

Khalida nodded.
"So we approach with peaceful and honest intention, but in such a way that they cannot ignore our strength. For we may be guests, but we are not beggers."

"This world will find room for us. Or it will be made to."


1. Iron Diplomacy - 5 Might + 3 Champions + 2 Influence = 10

After a night of rest, the entire caravan will pack up and move towards Ghislain, making sure to not cause undue damage to the surrounding farmland while doing so. Miao And Khalida will march ahead with a sizeable army, once noticeably big enough to take the city on their own, to set up camp near Ghislain, out of artillery range but clearly visible. The main caravan will make camp only just in visual distance of the city.
Miao and Khalida will approach the city gates with a tiny honour guard in order to open communications (Both of them speak some Bretonnian, and Miao can easily learn new languages).
The intention is to communicate to the locals that they are interdimensional refugees in search of land to settle, but also emphasise that they are far too dangerous to be carelessly attacked or exploited. Suggest the possibility of future trade and exchange of knowledge if cooperation happens.

Goal: Favourable relations with Ghislain

2. Taking stock: 2 Territory + 2 Treasure + 1 Influence + 1 Champion = 6
In order to not be beggars and not just intimidate everyone, we need things of value. And at this point, we'd rather not give anyone the secret of making gunpowder.
Thus with some help from Khalida, a project is initiated to find and make things of value to trade. There's precious gems and metals several of the undead carry around for one. Surely some of the natives would be interested in Cathayan and Nehekahran craftsmanship, if only for novelty's sake. Even the skin of a slaughtered bull could be sold for a great prize if you market its interdimensional origins correctly.

Goal: Temporarily grow Treasure



Territory: 2
Champions: 4
Treasure: 2
Influence: 3
Through the Age of the Dragon - Dragon Age ISOT IC (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.