CandyKisses: Movement to activate the road agreement and the Chinese belt
Baghdad – Iraq Today:
The head of the parliamentary rights bloc, Saud Al-Saadi, renewed his call on the government to speed up the implementation of the Chinese Belt and Road Agreement, while revealing the collection of 60 deputy signatures to activate the Chinese agreement.
Al-Saadi said in a press interview that “the Belt and Road Initiative occurred in the time of successive governments and was a prelude to linking Iraq to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.”
He added that “the Belt and Road Initiative to ensure Iraq’s strategic and economic projects, pointing out that the agreement was procrastinated in the time of the Al-Kazemi government,” pointing out that the current government is obligated to activate the agreement with China and link Iraq to the Belt and Road Initiative.
CandyKisses: During the Eid holiday. 3 northern governorates receive more than 320,000 tourists
Economy News – Baghdad
During the Eid al-Adha holiday, resorts and tourist areas in the governorates of Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Halabja received more than 320,000 tourists, while statistics on the number of tourists who went to Dohuk were not yet available.
According to information and statistics from the Directorate of Tourism in Sulaymaniyah province, “more than 120,000 tourists visited the province and its tourist areas, most of whom are citizens of central and southern Iraq.”
Compared to the same time last year, the percentage of tourists to Sulaymaniyah increased by about 20,000 tourists.
For its part, the responsible authorities in Erbil province announced that “117,421 tourists went to the province during the Eid holiday,” noting that “54 felonies and 51 misdemeanors were recorded.”
As for the province of Halabja, the Directorate of Tourism announced that “84 thousand and 176 tourists went to the province, for the purpose of tourism and vacation, and 40 violations and warnings were recorded by the inspection and control committees,” noting that “there were no unfortunate incidents during that period, and the Eid plan was successfully applied, in terms of receiving tourists and creating the appropriate atmosphere for them.”
The concerned authorities in Dohuk province did not announce statistics after tourists flocking to the governorate and its tourist areas during the Eid al-Adha holiday.
CandyKisses: Parliament calls on government to send important laws that affect people’s lives
Baghdad – Iraq Today:
The MP for the State of Law Coalition within Radi called on the government to expedite the sending of the law on the salary scale of employees because of its importance in achieving social justice.
Radi said in a press interview that “there are important laws that the government still has waiting to be sent to the House of Representatives in order to legislate them during the current parliamentary session.”
“The House of Representatives called on the government to send bills that serve the government and citizens, including the Federal Court Law, the Oil and Gas Law, the Slums Law and other laws,” he said.
Radi expressed his “hope that the government will send important laws as soon as possible in accordance with the government program presented by Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani,” stressing that amending the salary scale law has become necessary.
Tishwash: Sudanese Advisor: We have prepared a comprehensive plan to combat corruption and recover funds
Today, Friday,Advisor to the Prime Minister for Oversight and Integrity, Muayyad Al-Saadi, confirmed today, Friday, the existence of a comprehensive plan to combat corruption and recover smuggled funds, while stating that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani provided unlimited support to recover the funds and wanted persons.
Al-Saadi said, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani paid great attention and daily follow-up to anti-corruption measures, and worked in different directions,” noting that “teams were formed to receive news and reports about corruption, follow up on them, uncover them, and refer them to the Integrity and Public Prosecution Commission for the purpose of holding violators accountable, prosecuting them, and recovering the money.”
He continued, “Among the trends that have been focused on is the periodic evaluation through semi-annual and annual reports through the regulatory agencies that follow up on the procedures of ministries and governorates in the field of combating corruption on a daily basis, as well as the issue of digital transformation and the procedures of the unified storage system for the purpose of controlling, following up and knowing funds.” Balances and their movement,” noting that “all of these measures serve to combat corruption.”
He added, “The Prime Minister provided unlimited support to the Integrity Commission, the Financial Supervision Bureau, and law enforcement agencies, in order to recover funds and fugitive fugitives by providing all facilities,” noting, “The procedures resulted in bringing in the fugitive defendants and depositing them with law enforcement agencies for the purpose of issuing special rulings.” “With them.”
Al-Saadi pointed out, “There is a fund to recover the former regime’s funds, which operates according to its own law,” stressing that “a lot of money has been recovered, most recently from Swiss banks, where it was deposited in the Central Bank.” link
Mot: Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh — Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh !!!!!