Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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JOUR NA LAND COURIER A AVETTEIND In owler i Rail Board Tate Photo Votes End Shakes Girl To iremen Witness Stocks Trade Thomas Usual 'Probation' Procedure Main Chapel DR STANLEY ROTH LAWRENCE LESTER Mtasi ti The cousins were answering summonses that were brought wanted on the at the the Is judge all the boys were in court for the first time in their lives And now going home with their he said Sen Kennedy said only that comments covered With Thoughtful Atten tion To Every Detail RODGER MULLEN OWNER MANAGER We anticipate every need leed every wish with me ticulous thoughtful care UNERAL HOME 37Mii RomvIII ICC Protested WASHINGTON (AP) Sen ate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield has called for aboli tion of the Interstate Com merce Commission charging the agency has become too industry oriented to protect the interest The Montanan said in a pre pared Senate speech that some of activities should be discontinued and others in corporated into an agency in the Department of Transpor tation Light Dow Average Dips NEW YORK (UPI) The stocks opened narrowly mixed on light trading Shortly after the opening the Dow Jones industrial av erage was off 143 at 72139 Of 383 issues traded 135 ad vanced and 125 declined In the electronics General Electric eased to 75 Motorola to 38 Litton tacked on to 16 West inghouse at 66 RCA at 22 Control Data at 33 and Sperry Rand at 20 were unchanged from dose Mobil Oil dropped to 46 Texaco to 29 Stan dard of California gained to 43 Natomas to 29 and Jersey edged up to 62 Jerusalem said the talksprobably would get under way on the island of Cyprus in about 10 days Jarring is meeting in New York with the UN ambassa dors from Egypt ordan and Israel whose governments all have accepted the US pro posal for a 90 day cease fire and indirect 'negotiations with Jarring as the go between In Tel Aviv Israeli defense officials met to work out de tails of a cease fire plan and reliable sources said it could take effect a matter of The Israelis were reported giving serious consideration to a US suggestion that Egypt Israel police the cease fire themselves But the semiofficial Cairo newspaper Al Ahram said Egypt had turned down the idea appar ently because it called for flights by Israeli reconnais sance planes over Egyptian Barnstable Police Sgt Verl Setter said state police had been conducting an under cover 'investigation' into drug use on Cape Cod for months He said agents made nota tions when they found some one in possession of drugs Setter said the investigation was considered finished Tues day when summonses were served on the Kennedy cous ins three other juveniles and 23 young adults aged 18 to 20 Other police sources said no arrests were made July 10 because police wanted to in vestigate further WASHINGTON (AP) A presidential emergency board has recommended railroad jobs gradually be abolished as a means of set tling a long standing labor dispute The White House disclosed Thursday the board called for the phasing out the jobs of most railway firemen The recommendation won imme diate approval of the White House The board said the National Railway Labor Conference which represents more than 130 railroads with 95 per cent of the track is on the verge of a settlement with the United Trans portation Union which bar gains for the firemen The settlement would com bine the duties of firemen and brakemen under a new job classification acceptable to the railroads and union No new workers would be classi fied as firemen but no fire men would be fired The classification would be elimi nated gradually through re tirement and death The White House said the basics of the proposal were worked out by the union and railroads and it should provide the basis for a long term settlement to this old Under the plan announced by the emergency board union and management ne gotiators would consider the proposal for 15 days If no agreement is reached out standing issues would go to binding arbitration The White House panel rec ommended that the money saved through elimination of jobs be used to raise the pay of rail workers EYES EXAMINED GLASSES ITTED CONTACTS MEDICAID CARDS ACCEPTED DR HORAN OPTOMETRIST 6TH AND COLUMBIA STS PH 742 4391 nein Heikal told the Palesti nian guerrillas that the war against they seek is The guerrillas have vowed to do all they can to sabotage any cease fire Heikal a confidant of Pres ident Gamal Abdel Nasser reiterated support for the Palestinian cause but de clared: Palestinian re sistance no matter how valiant definitely cannot lead a total war of liberation against Israel because it is just beyond its capacity Middle East conflict should never be portrayed' as anything but a pan Arab con flict comprising all Arabs The Palestinian resistance has great moral value but all it can do on the practical side is merely annoy the enemy To say anything other than this would be a return to mix ing truth with fiction there is any hope for liberation it is dependent on providing Egypt with the right circ*mstances for spearheading the pan Arab struggle against Israel in po litical or military tactics it sees Conf erees Accept Economy Controls WASHINGTON (AP) The Democratic controlled Con gress has moved a step closer to giving President Nixon standby authority to control prices wages and au thority which Nixon has said he would not use Voting almost entirely on party lines a Senate House conference committee ap proved the House action writ ing the standby authority for ceilings into a bill to extend the Defense Production Act Sources said all the Demo cratic conferees from both chambers voted for the pro vision and were joined by Sen Charles Goodell NY while all the other Republican conferees voted against it The bill now goes to both chambers for final action A former Laiayeue resi dent Mrs Anna Robinson 97 died Thursday afternoon in Sarasota la Mrs Robinson a native of Crawfordsville resided most negotiating with Arab and Is raeli officials in Cairo Je Washington' on procedures for policing the cease fire and the ban on mil itary buildups that is to ac company it There also were reports of disagreement between the Arabs and the Israelis over where the peace talks would take place and the level on which they would be con ducted One informant in New York said the Arabs the talks to be held ambassadorial level United Nations while raelis preferred that they be held on the foreign level in Nicosia Cyprus Another source said the Is raelis were open minded on both questions but considered ambassadorial talks a 'break from precedent since Jarring has dealt with foreign min isters on previous occasions GUERRILLAS SCORED In a statement in Cairo to day Egyptian Information Minister Mohammed Hassa Co Op Ordered To Open Books INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The Public Service has ordered In diana Statewide Rural Elec tric Cooperative Inc to allow three investor owned power a i to inspect its records and facilities The three private utilities have sought to: restrict State use of its multi million dollar Petersburg generating station The PSC said the three could inspect and copy agree ments and documents and study the power plant trans mission system and i personnel and financial reports TOTS DIE HEAT WHILE SITTER CHATS CANOGA PARK Calif (UPI) Two young chil dren died from apparent heat prostration in their baby car Thursday while the woman chatted with her daughter police said The baby sitter Mrs Vir ginia 62 Canoga Park was caring for Hugh lynn III 3 and his 6 month old brother John at the home of Mr and Mrs Hugh lynn when her daughter called and asked her to baby sit for her grandchild Police said Mrs drove to her home which she shared and left the lynn children in the car while she went inside to chat After about 45 minutes Mrs and her daughter Mrs Hendricks went out to the car and discovered the chil bodies Police said temperatures in the Canoga Park area reached about 105 degrees and the interior of the car probably reached 120 de grees Mrs was booked on two counts of 'manslaughter on al leged negligence JP Court Journal and Courier Stete Ntwi OWLER ive persons were fined in Mrs Aline Justice of the Peace Court ined $1 plug $2225 costs each were William Roland Jr owler "driving left of center and Harold Jager owler failure to yield the right of way ined $2 plus $2225 costs each were Theodore A Pinchney of Cincinnati Ohio and Jimmy Collins Chi cago Ill for excessive speed Mike Phillips of Montezuma was fined $25 plus $20 costs for public intoxication Ray Robertson has been ap pointed a member of owler Public Library Board for a three year term The Benton County Public Library will sponsor art les sons again this fall A class for advanced painters any one who has had 10 or more lessons will begin in mid Sep tember under the direction of Mrs Hazel Liptrap The class will meet ten times before Thanksgiving If there are enough persons interested in beginning les sons Mrs Liptrap also will organize a beginners class The Summer Reading pro gram ends Saturday owler Christian Church will have church services this Sunday at the Caldwell Home Earl Park The church group will leave at 8:15 am for the home The owler Christian Church Bible School will be 7 to 9 pm Aug 10 to Aug 21 at the church Director of the Bible school is Andy alwell Teachers are: Nursery Mrs Kenneth Milton assis tants Miss Linda Hamelrpan Miss Loretta Clark and Rob ert Northern beginners 1 teachers Mrs William Loughry and Rick Cox assis tant teacher Miss Diane Zoll man beginners 2 teacher Mrs Elmer Berry assistant teacher Miss Becky Prit chett primary 1 teacher Butch Pritchett assistant teadher Kenneth Milton primary 2 teacher Mrs Lar ry Noerenberg assistant teacher Mrs Steve Berry Junior teacher Mrs Don Roberts assistant teacher Mrs Gene Wiley junior high teacher Don Roberts The refreshment committee will be Mrs Pat Pritchett chairman Mrs Herb Star key and Mrs Ocia Pruitt pianist Miss Peggy Milton song "reader Mrs Don Rob erts secretary Mrs Georgia Thompson crafts Mrs Tom Brier and missionary lead ers Mr and Mrs Dick Bak er VAUGHAN MONUMENT Co 14th BALL STS LAAYETTE INDIANA PHONE: 742 1300 OVERMAN BROS CONTRACTORS Builders of Towne House Apartments Salisbury and Robinson HOUSECLEANING NOT REAL NEIGHBORLY INDIANAPOLIS' (AP) Some of Mr and Mrs Chester neigh bors are going to miss out this year on the good neigh bor awards said Thursday that five neighbors who reported they thought the home had been Invaded it while the Parhams were away Wednesday helping themselves to furniture ap pliances and per sonal Belongings Detectives said the ran sacking so complete onen boxes of detergents and lightbulbs were taken Tkavrmntwl OnP nf thOSG arrested as saying was fore Judge Murphy were Ken like a neighborhood party Everyone else was a lot of stuff and I want to miss Other neighbors were' quoted as saying they thought the' couple' had moved and' lett tneir Be longings all of us in' the Police said about $5000 of the property and another Jftnurfil W' day Service at 2 pm Sunday In Hip officiating Interment Burton Cemetery Klondike Also surviving are four grandchildren and 14 irMt grandchll dren A grandson Robert Wolf pre ceded her In death in March 1966 day night and ordered them to appear on charges of being in possession of marijuana July 10 One version of the incident 1 gleaned from talks with some young summer residents of the area was that an uniden i tified taxi driver was a police informer and linked the two Kennedy cousins to mari juana One young man said he heard that the taxi driver had taken the Kennedy youth and three friends 60 miles to Co hasset Hyannis Port nedv Mass' and July 10 on a trip to retrieve a parents Mr and Mrs Sar pet falcon that escaped sent Shriver Jr from the Kennedy compound genrsnriver jr Sevefal youths said We taxi By law cases ptts driver had been seen several times in a vacant bam near Judge Murphy spoke with re compound wVchJsTn i and author zed the rdease of sectR)n Barnstable a statement that the Kennedy Asked why the summonses had not been servedeartier UlllCl jUVVIUlVJ VO avr "before him had their cases continued Seven of the juve niles were accused of drug law violations The senior Shriver a for mer US ambassador to J' J' oldest sister Eu ROEMER SON URNITURE furniture with 201 South i 4' 35 SIIf JI nd Kennedy Cousins Get Year To Clear Selves BARNSTABLE Mass (AP) nice said afterward that the A judge has told two young Kennedy cousins that mari ana possession charges against them will be dropped in September 1971 if they stay out of trouble Dist Court Judge Henry Murphy said his action in the the case' cases or the two ib year oias Robert Kennedy Jr' and Sargent Shriver III was to their summer homes Tues the usual procedure tor juve niles the first time they are brought to court on such charges He declined to find them in nocent or guilty of charges that they were delinquent by reason of possession of mari juana and the continu ances he granted them until September 1971 had the feet of Present with the youths during a 20 minute session be i mother' Ethel and Sen Ken ot Information 3 Phone 742 6254 t'1 4 WEST CHAPEL' Phone 463 2111 (0 vlllf riday Evening August 7 '1970 5 ined day night Twelve young persons were arrested on charges stem ming from the evening skir mish between nearly 100 offi cers and the participants in a so called Yippie i proclaimed by dis sidents against the famed tourist attraction Six others were arrested during the day on charges of trespassing and illegal entry is unfortunate for a lot of young people that have long hair but a very small group forces us to draw this said Jack Lindquist a Disneyland official He said a grooming standard would ac company the long hair edict that went into effect today The unscheduled closure only the second in the 15 year history of the park came af ter the group of hippie type youths described by officials as marched up chanting and singing and attempted to enter several shops en masse The officers wearing facial shields and carrying gas i masks and batons moved in and in some cases bodily re Qaatlp nvpr 40 vears Strong OLm uxcu uiuvcuuk givuji f4171 Lub AINCriiLrjb lUr'l) SMwSsaeo riday in Clinton County Hos park The horror of the Sharon Accoraing to advance no Tate murders struck home LESTER Erlends may call 5 9 pm riday at Soifer Baker uneral Home Service there 1:30 Pm Saturday the Rev Jean McCan officiating Burlal in Rest Haven Memorial Park 20 grandchildren also survive McCOY George Arrangements pend ing at Goodwin uneral Home rank fort Call 654 5533 for further Informa tion PARAS Mrs Ruth riends may call 6 9 pm Sunday at Eller uneral Home rankfort Service there at 2 pm Monday he Rev Joseph A Ridenour officiating Interment Bunnell Cemetery Also survived by a grand son and a granddaughter PAULEY John riends may call after 7:30 pm riday at Stewart neral Home Monon A Service there at 3 pm Saturday the Rev Ralph Schnarr officiating Interment Bedford Cemetery ROBINSON Mrs Anna Rosary ser vice at 7:30 pm Sunday at Zahn Schneider uneral Home uneral Mass at 10 am Monday In St Boniface Church the Rev Seraph Zeitz officiat ing interment St Boniface Cemetery ROTH Dr Stahley The body will be returned to Seattle where graveside services will be at 11 am Monday in Acacia Cemetery Soller Baker uneral Home In charge of arrangements VANDERMAY riends may call at Zahn Schneider ynerq Home at 4 pm riday the body will lie In state one hour before services at 11 am Saturday at Holy Trinity Leran Church Pastor Henry Stolldorf Irtarmnnf tery A son Clarence preceded him In death Jn 1918 and a daughter Mrs Tessle Bol died In 1967 Surviving are seven grandchildren and 11 great grana children riends desiring may contrib ute In memorlam to the building fund of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church or David Stolldorf Memorial und 1 CLICK Lloyd riends may call af ter 3 pm Saturday at Johnson uneral Home Mulberry Service there at 1:30 pm Sunday the Rey vgu9hnHP ell officiating Burial in air Haven Cemetery GEARTY Mrs Edna Arrangements pending at Shlpps Konzelman uneral Home Oxford or further Information call 385 2119 GRASSMYER Mrs call after 4 pm Saturday at Miller uneral Home Monticello Service there at 1:30 pm Sunday Dr Newman Jef fries officiating Burial In Riverview Cemetery 1 HEWITT Mrs Bessie riends may call after 4 pm riday qt Miller neral Home Monticello Service there at 1:30 pm Saturday the Rev Glen riar officiating Burial in Meadow Lake Cemetery Wolcott Also survived by two grandchildren wio wifA Valnptta nreceded mamea key witness was shown a pic 5 1Q5R preceQea Paras He died in 1961 Mrs hair invasion was to observe tue of bloody body on the floor in front of a couch draped with the Ameri can flag Linda Kasabian 21 a tiny blonde gasped and almostbecame hysterical when a de fense lawyer thrust in her hand a color photograph of one of the five victims of the bloody foray she said Charles Manson ordered last August attorney Irving Kanarek had just asked her whether she looked through a window of the house that night and she replied she had Without another word Kanarek gave her the police picture Mrs Kasabian had testified previously she saw three slayings at the estate outside the house last Aug 9 but that she did not witness the killing jOt Miss Tate and hair stylist Jay Sebring in the living room Mrs gasp was audible throughout the court room She burst into tears and could not speak She was led to an anteroom while the lawyers conferred in the chambers Then the trial was recessed overnight Kanarek declined to tell newsmen why he suddenly handed the girl the picture Another' defense lawyer Paul itzgerald said he be lieved Kanarek was to show she was actually in the house' contrary to her jury will have to de cide whether the shock she displayed was a shock of rec ognition or a shock of horror at a bloody itzgerald said KiUed in CaPM By United Press International Two men walking across an Vj Indianapolis 'westside street A I intersection were struck and killed by a car at midnight MRS MINNIE BRAMER Thursday raising irauiu auuiiy least' 848 compared with' 922 a U1 year ago The victims wer Jake Emerv 45 and Guv Norman SlPith 'toth of Indignap jj'qqo WOrth was missing Amos Pulfer 55 ort! They said all of the goods Wayne was killed Thursday found were hidden in five when ms car missea a curve homes in one la wigs deep and husband ol rum wilt uuli viuumvvi wmw I 11 uci 3 ociiix bank of a creek Paras moved to rankfort 1961 following her death She was a retired clerk at the Morrison Delicatessen on East Green Street Survivors include a daugh ter Mrs: Ralph Morrison of rankfort and a sister 1 Mrs Andrew Muir of St Joseph Mo STEPHEN BOZE: MONTICELLO Stephen Boze 86 of 405 Wash ington St Monticello died at 7:30 pm Thursday in Lafay ette Care Nursing Home after a lingering illness He was a retired farmer and lifelong resi dent i In 1901 he married Pearl Garringer who survives Mr Boze was a member of the Cullen Creek Christian Church i Surviving with the yndow are three daughters Mrs William ord of Monticello Mrs George James of Knox and Mrs John Ehnen of Schererville two sons Carl and Maynard both of Monticello and a sister Miss Sarah Boze of Monticello MRS BESSIE HEWITT MONTICELLO Mrs Bes sie I Hewitt 69 of 5 Monticello died at 4:40 pmThursday in Lake Manor Nursing Home Monticello She had been in illhealth eipht vears She was oom scuiismug and was married in 1926 to George Hewitt He died in 1969 She had been a Monticello resident since her marriage Surviving are a son Lowell of Rt 5 Monticello her mother Mrs Minnie (Chit wood) King of Jeffersonville a sister Miss Katie King of Jeffersonville and a half sis ter Mrs lorence Sterrett of Battle Ground Tiff Brings Tai Procedures Hair Ban By The Associated Pres territory as well as Egyptian envoy Gunnar Jar flights over Israeli territory ANAHEIM Calif (UPI) ring was 'seeking agreement Informants in New York hannAH between Arab and Israeli dm said the United States was xx icuiu uiiiviuJU Mvtiuiww of her life here moving to aj long haired youths from lomats today on peacetalk lorida 15 years ago to make the magic kingdom following procedures and sources in her nome witn a niece ivnb a confrontation between po Schaffner She was iicp and 300 married to William Robin that culminated in the park son who preceded her in closing six hours early Thurs aeatn several years agu Mrs Margaret Hill of Los Angeles Calif f' 'The body will be returned of both the Weaver Chapel here for services ORVILLE HALL SOLDIERS HOME Or vilte Hall 78 died at 9:15 one son Thursday in the Indiana vnMtflrc Homp wnprp ne ter Miss Edna Bramer both bad resided since June 1967 of Rt 9 ana tnree oromers William and Raymond A Wolf both of Rt IO West La fayette and Charles Wolf of Lafayette DR STANLEY ROTH A former' Tippecanoe Coun ty resident Dr Stanley Roth 93 of Seattle Wash was dead on arrival at St Elizabeth Hospital Thursday noon Dr Reth had arrived in Lafayette on Tuesday and was visiting in the home of his niece Mrs red Mon tague of 1300 Logan Ave when he suffered a heart at tack Thursday morning Dr Roth was bom in Ross ville and his early life was spent in Tippecanoe County He graduated from' Indiana University School of Dentistry in 1904 He practiced den i ormer Mbnon Berths in city AREA Disneyland UNi Envoy Seeking Accord VlfTTl I J1OC in fc" Iowa Wreck MONON John Albert zoe nt TlnnrAmhA Iowa former resident of Mo been one week non aiea cany nui suay an automobile: accident in Ames Iowa Mr Pauley 'a farmer was born in Monon He had been living in Towa since April In 19S5 he was married' in Ger many to Gisela Zachka who j(mQrgricj School In 1899 survives ne sei veu US Army from 1962 to 1965 He was a member of Monti Baptist Church and Monticello Eagles Lodge Surviving with the widow are a daughter Heidi and a son Scott both at home his mother Mrs Elsie Pauley of Wnntirm nt two I James of Roanoke and Daniel of Monticello four sisters Joan Metcalf Mrs Dorothy Maxson and Mrs Jean Skaggs all of Monticello and Joy Williams of Wickliffe Lima Store Hit By irebomber LIMA Ohio (UPI) Sniper fire and firebombing hit this northwestern Ohio city of 55000 again Thursday for the second night in a row No body was reported injured A Molotov co*cktail de stroyed a linoleum and fumi ture store and 20 arrests for curfew violations were made National Guardsmen called into Lima after a Negro wom killing touched off racial disorders Wednesday i 1 1 stay for the weekend to patrol the Southside" EIINVAL NUIIGC3 epnor to retiring cai a boze stephen riends may call of He was a life member of the iVraf Asuefrevteh American Dental Association 2 pm Sunday tne Kev kodcfi i officiating suriar in nugnes 1 tery Also survived ny iz granacmiurcn nilu ID QWUi ui iwo Surviving 1 bramer Mrs Emma Mrlls ot Ithaca iTAvnvriuK MULBERRY 'Lloyd Click 80 died at 4 am ri day in St Elizabeth Hospital Lafayette where he had been natient since Tuesday He had made his home at Rt 3 rankfort until April when he entered the Mulber ry Lutheran Home Born in Boone County he was married in 1940 to Dysie Elgie Rothenberger She sur vives He was a farmer having moved to rankfort upon re tirementin 1955 Mr Click was a member of the United Methodist Church in Lebanon and Mulberry Lodge 618 I The widow is the only sur vivor CHARLES HAUPT RANKORT Charles Haupt 52 of 608 Gentry St died unexpectedly at 6:40 am Thursday in his home Born in Wabash he was married in 1950 to Shirley Al len who survives A test engineer for the PR Mallory: Company he came to rankfort in 1955 from Marion He was a member of the Eagles Lodge serving this year as president and a member of the Veterans of oreign Wars Also surviving are two sons Charles at home and Jon of Seattle Wash four daugh ters Mrs Dennis wooarun orprankfnrt Pamela Kav and Georgia Ann both at and Mrs Anita Hanson oi wu bash a sister Mrs red Parker of Wabash and three brothers Cecil of Wabash Ralph in Maryland and Verlin in California Services will be here Satur day with burial in Wabash MRS JACOB GRASSMYER MONTICELLO Mr? Pansv Grassmyer 64 of Rt 2 Monticello died at noon Thursday in St Elizabeth Hospital Lafayette following I an extended illness I She was born in White County near Burnettsville and I in 1938 married Jacob Grassmyer who survives She lived on a farm in Car roll County for many years Mrs Grassmyer was a member of the Monticello United Methodist Church I Surviving with the husband I are two daughters Mrs Har I I old Peck of Indianapolis and Mrs Leslie North of Wolcott II MRS EDNA GEARTY atmsvtt Mrs Edna (Talbot) Gearty 90 former I Rainsville resident died at 7:55 am riday in Danville I Care Nursing Home van ville Ill Born in Jackson County he came to the home from Waveland He was a veteran of World War I i His' wife Xenia died in 1969 There are immediate survivors' Burial will be in Waveland GEORGE McCOY RANKORT A former area resident George McCoy 60 of Danville Ill died Thursday in Veterans Hos pital Danville following a 10 day illness He was married to Mabel McGilton who survives Mr McCoy was a veteran of World War IL MRS RUTH PARAS RANKORT Mrs Ruth Paras 75 of 758 Arm cimno st' died at 1:10 am nital after a two vear illness Born in Chicago she was tices of in the Thursday "when the in iMii iAj atcuikq 1 1 ii imi i 1 1 ii i mesa LHC iljiik the anniversary of the first atomic bomb attack on Ja pan' During the day the group of dissidents marched into singing the Mickey Mouse Club song and obscene chants They took over Sawyer and eventually ran off all the tourists They displayed a Viet Cong flag from the fort on the is land and chanting unveiled a flagembellished with a dark green marijuana leaf MRS MINNIE BRAMER MRS ANNA ROBINSON Mrs Minnie (Wolt) Bra mer 90 of Rt 9 West Lafay ette died at 7:15 pm Thurs in 11 1 Skhe 1121(1 7 A Mrs Bramer was botn near her i home and had been a life resident of the Number Teri community Her late parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Wolf were pioneers of that community She attended i she was married to August Bramer a laimci ww p1 ceded her in death in 1940 hp was a charter member United Methodist and WSCS of the' church and a member of the Number Ten Grange brothers Homer A Bramer a daugh I A n' 1 3 4 1 1 1 HH 'y' 4 Ml 1 ijinlii.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.