The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

THE DAILY MISSOULIAN, MISSOULA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, 1042. 2 News of Western Montana and the State in General A StilwelVs Retreat From Burma Name Kalispell Reports of Fires Retired Butte Former Residents More Ravalli For Elks State Bowling Tourney Annual Contests to Take Place Next March; Look For 40 to 60 Teams. Miner Succumbs In Bitter Root William John Bray Taken At Hamilton; Resident of State Since 1881. Hamilton, July 31. William John Bray, 81-year-old pioneer of the County Men to Go to Service Calls Are Issued for Dates Of August 13 and 16 by Draft Board.

Hamilton, July 31. Ravalli county men slated to depart for induction Proved Erroneous Kalispell, July 31. Reports of three fires started in the Ashley lake district in Wednesday night's electric storm seem to be unfounded, according to officials of the Northern Montana Forestry association. Lookouts have made a thorough investigation but have discovered no blazes. Every effort is being made to control fires before they make any headway.

While the ning storms have started some blazes, the accompanying rains have kept the danger from be Agreement Is Perfected to Bring in Japs Would Be Recruited at Concentration Camps For Beet Field Work. Hamilton, July 31 An agreement was signed by representatives of the American Crystal Sugar company and Ravalli county officials Friday, whereby arrangements for import-inhor from concentra Visit Flathead Kalispell, July 31. Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Howe of Hammond, visited in Kalispell today. They came to revisit their place at Big Arm where they home-steaded from 1910 to 1917. During that time Mr. Howe worked as a reporter for the Kalispell Bee throughout the winter months.

Mrs. Howe has been painting scenes of Flathead lake, Mild Horse island and other parts of the valley. Mr. Howe recalled traveling through Glacier park when it was necessary to ship one's car and go by rail. A big thrill last holiday season was seeing Christmas trees in Indiana labeled Kalispell, he said.

state and retired Butte miner, died centers as Selective Service draftees on the dates of August 13 for 1-B classification and August 16 for the regulation call, are named by the Kalispell, July 31. Kalispell will be host to the Elks' state bowling' tournament next March, according to an announcement made today. Events wlU be held in a period of two or three weeks, making it possible for contestants to come at separate times for the, various This will be the third tournament tonight at the Daly Memorial hospital after an illness of three days. draft board, George Anderson, head! He had come here to visit his son, J. Fred Bray.

ing great thus far this year in this section, the forestry men said. tion centers will be made to provide helD for the sugar beet of the board, states. The list as compiled by Clerk Tom Shchee and his aides, Anna Mary Carver and Mildred Lepetich, fol to be held by the Elks. The first cne was held in Anaconda and last Selective Service spring, the contests took place in A native of Cornwall, England, he came to America in his early youth, and to Montana in 1881. He was a member of the Masonic lodge, Shri-ners and the Musicians' union.

Surviving him besides his son here are another son, William, in Michigan; a daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Purdy, Butte; three sisters and two brothers, all in England. The body is at the Dowling fu Lewlstown. With the mounting Interest in bowling, it is anticipated that between 40 and 60 teams will Men Resign Posts lows: Arnold Gustav Sather, Verdun Ralph France, Roy' Everett Burditt, Leonard Forbis Gow, Edgar C. Hopkins, Robert James Gow, Cornelius J.

Klomp, Edgar Nelson Ingersoll, Elmer C. Kenck, Artemio B. Savellano, Carroll Frank Bauer, participate in the matches. County Airport Shows Progress Despite Rains Suitable awards for high five men team, doubles, singles and all team crops of the Bitter Root valley. Volunteers from the concentration camps will be sought for the harvest work, it was said.

There will be no drafting of the laborers. Chairman Tom Couch of the commissioners, Sheriff James Ohva and County Attorney Gardner Brownlee were officials to sign the agreement with the sugar company men. District Manager Frank Cleland and Arthur Deschamps, a field man, were here from Missoula today for the company. The plan is to establish two camps in the valley, probably at Stevens-ville and Corvallis, Cleric Anthony tri, nf the commissioner board events will be made at the conclu sion of the tournament. Arrange neral home, and will be sent to Butte Saturday for funeral services.

Walter George Zeller, Rufus B. Robinson, Arthur A. Slocum, Martin Clyde Trollope, Charles Leslie Chit- Superior, July 31. The personnel of the local Selective Service board has been changed by the resignation of C. B.

Forbes and Walter T. Murphy. Mr. Murphy has acted as appeal agent since the board was established and his place has not, as yet, been filled. U.

S. Duncan has been appointed to take Mr. Forbes" vacancy. ments for the event are being made by Dr. Edson Curry.

tim, Gerald W. Hinman, Francis 114 Men Employed at Site Near LaSalle; Drain Tile Being Installed. Kenneth Fadness, Delmer Harold Strong, Donald Thomas Blodgett, William A. Terou, Raymond Thomas RETURNS TO ST. LOUIS.

Hamilton, July 31. Miss Emma Thompson left Wednesday for her Accident Victim's Rites Are Today Kalispell, July 31. Funeral serv Kohler, Henry Everett Merene, home at St. Louis following a visit. Kalispell, July 31.

Despite set Charles Thomas Miller, Lewis Elmer of a few weeks at the summer lodge i Ohl, Donald Winthrop Young, Alvin ices for Jane Mahugh, 11 -year-old of Mrs. John Coultas and heiy" Dechaak, Kenneth William Roy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse backs occasioned by unusual rainy weather this spring, progress is being made at the Flathead county uHugmers at auia.

Charles Benjamin Hammell, Mel- vin Kenneth Haupt, Benjamin Paul 13 CARS FOR MONTANA. Helena, July 31. (JP) Tom D. Caverly, state rationing officer, announced today that Montanans will be allowed to purchase not more than 73 new passenger cars during August. The quota was divided among 11 counties, with Silver Bow leading Mahugh, who died of injuries received when her bicycle collided with a city truck, will be held Sat Willi, Chester W.

Clements, Hugo W. Embring, Sidney Ernest Hage (NEA Telephoto) man, Alois Erhart, Philip J. Mohr, RETURN FROM NEBRASKA. Superior, July 31. Mrs.

W. J. Doyle, Sara Marie and Madaline Doyle have returned from a two-week vacation spent at Omaha, visiting relatives. urday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Waggener Campbell's chapel. Burial will be in C.

E. Conrad Memorial cemetery. Eugene Clyde Olson, Kenneth Floyd Friske, Gaudencio G. Paderanga, airport, near LaSalle, according to Albert Birch, a member of the firm of contractors. Runways have been graded and the field areas are now graded, he said.

Drain tile is being installed at the present time. A total of 114 men are employed at the field by Birch Sons and Kirkpatrick brothers. stated. The Japanese laborers will be policed by deputies, probably chosen from among the farmers, and these deputies are to serve under direction of Sheriff Oliva, without financial return. Forty or more of the Japanese workers are to be brought in for the beet harvest.

Hoe crews continue to work in the beet fields in their volunteer plan to save the crops for the growers who have experienced the greatest labor shortage of years, due to wartime conditions. Fires Start in the list with 20 cars. Other coun With a sack of butty-beef, dropped from an RAF plane, thrown over his shoulder, Lieut. Gen. Joseph Stilwell has only a native for companion as be wades across the TJyu River to his raft, which carried him part of the way on at-day retreat from Burma to India as the Japs moved In.

U. S. Army Signal Corps Photo. ties which received quotas were: Cascade. 14: Flathead, 10; Yellow stone, 10: Deer Lodge, eight; Toole, Mrs.

J. Dutcher Passes on Coast LEAVE CLINIC. Kalispell, July 31. Mrs. Clara Randall and infant daughter of Echo lake were dismissed from three; Stillwater, three; Lincoln, two; Meagher, one; Powder River, Earl H.

Randolph, David Swenson, Roy Wayne Hamilton, Henry Kreu-ger, Joel Alexander Whitesell, George Henry Patzer, Everett Leonard Burks. Byron Reuben Lamoreux, John Ervin Craddock, Charles Jefferson Whitesell, Doyle Eugene Dunbar, The work of the heavy equipment should be finished next week. Mr. Birch said that barring un Seven Killed in one, and Treasure, one. Wright-Hodgkin clinic today and have returned home.

foreseen complications, the project Iwill be completed this fall as CANCEL VACATION SCHOOL. Kalispell. July 31. Plans for the Filipino Caught In FBI Dragnet New York, July 31. W) A 42-year-old Filipino, allegedly an organizer for a group claiming 100,000 members active in a movement planned.

Electrical work will not Kalispell, July 31. James B. O'Flynn, local attorney, received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. John Dutcher, in California this morning. She had been ill since last December and underwent NEW STORE MANAGER.

31. C. F. Steib. be started until sometime later.

vacation school to be conducted by the Kalispell Ministerial association the latter part of August have been Grass Near Plains Plains, July 31. With drying weather making cheat grass areas in the vicinity highly inflammable, local Torest Service crews have been called out to suppress eight fires Arthur Hanson, Frank Garay Val-dez, Frank Monroe Brechblll, Samuel Louis Platten, Charles Edward Campbell, Glenn George Eggers, Ted Lewis Pellew, Charles B. Phelps, Robert Irvln Brooks, Lester James Fink, Dick Sparman, Russell Gordon Cates. REPAIR HIGHWAY. Kalispell, July 31.

As part of the Services cancelled for this season, it was a number of operations. formerly of Pullman, has taken over his duties as manager of Montgomery Ward's store at Kalispell. Montana highway maintenance will be held Saturday at Pasadena, linked with Japan's Black Dragon and burial will take place in society, was under arrest today by Butte in the family plot, Monday. 'the Federal Bureau of Investiga- Bus-Train Crash Franklin, July 31. IA) Seven persons were killed and 19 others injured shortly after noon today in a passenger bus-freight train crash at a railroad switch crossing over highway 90 on the outskirts of Franklin.

The dead: MRS. LEE FIRMIN, 26, Franklin, and her two children, CHARLES, 3 and MARY LEE, MRS. HENRY BOLNA. 35, also of Franklin, a MR. BROAD-US, Beaumont, Texas, and tw others unidentified.

E. L. Adams of the sheriff's office said the bus was struck In the center and ripped open. Mr. and Mrs.

O'Flynn left for Butte tion. Edward Everett Brown, Raymond todav to make arrangements. learned today. The reason given for calling off the project was the many changes in the ministerial personnel in Kalispell this summer and the fact that many of the pastors will be out of the city in August. However, officers announce that plans will be started early next spring for a larger and better vacation school.

VISIT AT YAKIMA. Libby, July 31. Rev. and Mrs. Russell J.

Prentice are vacationing at Yakima, Wash. They expect to be gone for two weeks. The Filipino, Mimo De Guzman, 42, of Washington, D. also was Mrs. Dutcher was the former Pat LeRoy Campbell, Lyle Sherman Leesberg, John Henry Schaertl, Ronald Fred Gibford, Dallas Vernon program, armor coating is being applied on highway No.

93. The work was started yesterday at the Somers hill and will continue on towards Whitefish. Another section, south of Somers also will be repaired in this fashion. Chips are being used Instead of the crushed gravel and men In charge said this type of finish has proved most described by the FBI as an active sy O'Flynn. She was born in Mon- tana in 1896, graduated from Mon-' figure in an attempt to organize a Gaffney, Calvin James Lunceford tana State University In 1917 and i mm column among American during the past two weeks.

Most serious blaze of the season occurred Saturday near the highway a short distance east of Eddy when a fire was started early In the afternoon. Thirty men were called to control the blaze that burned fiercely In the cheat grass and threatened to run up the hill into the steep, wooded mountainside. The fire burned an area of about eight acres. thoueht that the fire was Nils Thorwald Hanson, Joseph S. was married in 1921.

While at the'groes Seal The FBI said one of the stated TO SPOKANE. Kalispell, July 31. Mrs. William R. Martin left today for Spokane.

While away, she will visit Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. University, she was a member or Kappa Kappa Gamma social so purposes of the movement was to aid the Japanese cause when the Roland Bernard Stordeur, Milton A. Weber, Walter Anthony Nelsen, Charles Henry Matthews, Robert Gean Delaney, Lester Malcom New rority. She also was a member or Woman's Rotary and the Califor Japanese invaded the United States, Heavy Downpours P. E.

Foxworth, assistant director nia Fine Arts and Music club. man, Lewis Eugene Hull, Robert NOT WHITEFISH BROWN. Whitefish, July 31. Announcement Is made here that the Delbert Erown mentioned in a Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, dispatch of July 25, in which a driving case against Brown was dismissed, is not the Delbert Brown of Whitefish. Delbert Brown of Whitefish, Great Several ye'ago.

she and her of the FBI. said, that Bernard Garland, Powell Clayton Officer Defended FROM POLSON. Kalispell, July 31. Mrs. Carl Retz and Mrs.

Frank Neifert of Poison visited in Kalispell yesterday. Boost July Rain Sirla, Peter Andrew Staarup, started by a motorist traveling along the highway. Another fire was started Saturday afternoon near Lynch creek suppos-rfiw hv a railway locomotive, This HarS Xre hrpracticed siroup which functioned largely on Sffin; Affpr his death she the West coast and in the Midwest, profession. After his death, sne Guzman was an en Kalispell, July 31. In heavy By Donors of Gifts went to California and engaged In downpours here yesterday, .20 inch Northern telegraph operator, has listed man in the United States Navy from 1918 to 1930, then joined of rain fell in one shower and the worked at Sandpolnt, Idaho, and ON COAST VISIT.

Hamilton, July 31. Miss Marilyn Bllndauer left Friday for a visit with friends at Portland. blaze was stopped before it could spread and cause much damage. A small fire which had been set by litrhtnine on Pine hill In the north second shower register .12 inch, this, it is said, has led to a confusion DIVORCE SUIT FILED. Hamilton, July 31.

An action for divorce was filed by Marie Stiles versus John Stiles in the Ravalli court Friday. Nonsupport Is alleged. Mrs. Stiles asks custody of the 10-year-old daughter, Joan, and $35 monthly support money. At library work.

Other survivors besides Mr. O'Flynn are two sisters, Mrs. E. O. McLaughlin of Pasadena and Mrs.

Lester Gregory of Palo Alto. of names. San Francisco, July 31. (JP) Two ensigns whom Lieutenant Commander Maurice N. Aroff swore into Naval Reserve service maintain that, if he solicited or accepted gifts of Jewelry from them, he did so with no consciousness of disloyalty to duty or intent to violate the nval ern end of the district was reported the Coast Guard from which he was dishonorably discharged.

Foxworth said he had a long criminal record, had used about 19 aliases, and was wanted also in Washington for violation of the postal laws. Arrested last night, he was according to figures of the United States Weather bureau. In all, .37 inch of rain was recorded yesterday. Some hail accompanied the rain but no report of hall damage had been received from the neigh Monday. Paradise Defense ONLY ONE BIDDER.

Helena, July 31. (P A $7,490 bid by W. P. Roscoe of Billings to repair a bridge 10 miles south of here on the Butte road was accepted today by the Montana highway com MRS. ARNOLD SHAFER.

Whitefish. July 31. Funeral for Mrs. Arnold Shafer, who torney fees of $75 are sought. Mr.

Stiles is now at Seattle engaged in Treasure Hunters Seek Gold Cache In Lake in Idaho Idaho Falls, Idaho, July 31. CD- code. charged with failing to return his boring farm sections. defense work. The two have been Hamilton residents for several years.

died at her home Wednesday, rt questionnaire. AI A 1 1 im A A I Corps Organized With one day to go, Julys rain The ensigns, Michael Levee. of Los Angeles and Irving Cummin gs, son of a Hollywood movie be neia ai me iampucu uu' mission. No other bid was received. The commission rejected the only INJURED IN FALL.

fall greatly exceeds the normal amount of precipitation for the period. The total to date measures nome ai wniieiisu, htii Saturday afternoon. Burial will be pntUCKV Will Whitefish eemeterv. 1C1HUVJ IT bid submitted for resurfacing 6.75 miles of the Kallspell-Libby high producer, were witnesses at Aroff's general court martial. The defendant, former assistant to the director of naval officer pro- Treasurer hunters again are digging In the waters of Mud lake for a legendary treasure reputedly valued at $150,000.

Alberton. July 31. Mrs. Edith Averill suffered foot injuries received when she fell while on a way and decided to readvertise the Ballot Today 2.60 inches as compared with 1.10 inches which Is normal for July in Paradise. July 31.

Organization of a Paradise defense corps as a part of the Sanders county unit was made at a meeting Monday evening at the Community clubhouse. A working nucleus for local defense activity has Emerson Richardson as denutv commander and D. A. Mac- project. this locality.

T-niiUviili. Kv 31. (IP) 'curemem ior me iweiun loan LOCATE IN MISSOULA. Superior, July 31. Mr.

and Mrs. Axel Strom and daughter, Miss Jean, ace leaving this week to make (Kentucky Democrats tomorrow will Francisco) naval district, is accused fishing trip to her outing lodge up Fish creek this week. The Injury is not regarded as serious. Mrs. Averill is resting at her home in Alberton.

BUILDING PERMITS LOW. ValUnpll 31 The usual exnress their Views bV ballot on tne me cae oi ummuigs nun evec Scrap Gathered propriety of Senator A. B. (Happy) Michael and Chester Jackson as an Mbstinar staff. Helping with the or dirth of building permits caused by their home in Missoula.

Mr. Strom war regulations is reflected In the 'has conducted ft. grocery store here Tni Mmrt nn fpp naii tn the rltv i for the nast year and will engage of having suggested on the night they were commissioned that they present him with tokens of By Plains Boys Headed by Manford Turman, Hamer, Idaho, merchant, the group were to resume digging today where they left off some months ago. The treasurer supposedly was buried by stage-coach bandits fleeing pursuers in frontier days. Turman's party began their search last fall, but work was halted when rising waters covered their coffer dam far out In the waters TO TEACH AT VALIER.

ganizing of the corp Monday night Rov Hanson, county com 'for electric, plumbing and building in the same business in Missoula on Plains, July 31. "Scrap to Slap Whitefish, July 21. Mrs. Forrest permits. Total fees are $36.50.

in- soutn Higgins avenue, mander from Thompson Falls and eluding six building permits, three the Jap" is the slogan of the Plainsl Forcum, the former Miss Elsie Boy Scout troop. Eleven boys under Brown, a teacher In Whitef ish high Chandlers acceptance of a swimming pool from Ben Collings, a Louisville war contractor. Chandler's opponent, John Young Brown of Lexington, charged that some 8,000 pounds of vital war materials were used in the gift pool in the backyard of the senator's Versailles home. Brown has campaigned vigorously and made the R. H.

Ralston, county agent. Mr. Richardson has appointed the Only Japs Born in Dlumbing and one electrical. Build the supervision of Corbly Lash school for many years, will teach lng for the period Is valued at $800. gathered 5500 pounds of scrap iron English at Valier this year.

Mr. U.S. May Take Jobs of the lake. They also were able to do some work during the winter The largest work is for remodeling and Is less than the prescribed $500. and a quantity or otner metais ana Forcum is a sergeant with the U.

materials Sunday. S. Army in the East. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA. Hamilton.

July Harriet Nobles has returned here from Fresno. where she had been attending Fresno college. She also visited at Los Angeles before coming back to Montana to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Edward Nobles. San Francisco, July 31.

fP) Only I months, while ice was thick The party has announced they HOSPITAL PATIENTS. Hamilton. July 31. Mitzi. 11- Boys participating in the project Sunday were Jimmy Moore, Walter Palmrr, Howard Johnson, Gene Allen, Robert Beamish.

Alvin Amund- RETURNS TO CALIFORNIA. Hamilton. July 31. Mrs. F.

D. Montv left Thursdav for her home Pool the main Issue In a typical1 American-born Japanese who never Kentucky Drimarv inave Uved in Japan or tlended Senator cSriter. in hi, lSJlJSS campaign speech, declared had iL' "SJ? have a secret device which reveals the presence of gold when operated nearby. year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Leo Dwyer of Victor, underwent a Bobby Ben Graham. Larry at Tn RpaPh. after visit son ma ior operation at the Daly hos- the war relocation authority says. following as leaders for defense in the community: Messengers, Harry Greene. Kenneth Erickson, William Lockhart; drivers, Howard Steele.

Mrs. O. Dickson and Mrs. Harold Wtlcutt; fire and police department, Charles Wilcutt; wardens division. Ernest Johnson; emergency food and housing, Mrs.

Kathryn Auclair; emergency medical division, Fred Minear; emergency public works utility service, Knute Klrkeburg, and repair squads, George Ogden. Valley Men to "done no wrong" in accepting tne nltal Fridav. HEALTH CONFERENCE A Japanese-American who wants to work outside the center first pool and cited reports by the Tru- i Vustner. Theron Wigton. Pat Coxior a month wtth Mrs ana 5111 Cole- A.

Gordon, and with old-time i friends. Mrs. Monty was a resident I IRE SCHOOL HELD. many Mrs j. William Vreeland of Salmon, Hamilton, July 31.

Twenty-two Idaho, entered the hospital for children appeared for examination man oenaic uivcsmsawiR H-fii inh tee and the War Production board treatment Thursday. L. M. Albert- at the child health conference saying there was "no indication of command, which Includes Conkey. son returned to his Corvallis home; Tuesday at County Nurse Aagoi Impersonated An Officer, Is Charge Newark, N.

July 31. IP) The alertness of a state police corporal was credited today for the arrest of Wamer J. MacFarlane, accused of impersonating a U. S. Army major ka aiirrpufiillv that he rode around following several days' treatment.

any wrongdoing' on the QrtgQn Callfornlai Prt- Arizona. Nevada. Utah. Idaho and farmers from the vicinity of Plains gathered at the golf course Monday evening where the Forest Service FROM SEATTLE. Wnmiltnn 31 Mr anit Mn The Republican senatorial pn-.

u. ih.n anni i th conducted a school In firefiphtlng Cart Peterson and their son. Bruce. Hovendahls offices in the Lincoln building. Dr.

Herbert Hayward was the examining physician. STEELE IS GRADUATE. Paradise, July 31. Merle H. Steele, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Howard mary has been overshadowed by the, dl hjs centcr for it heated Democratic fight. Richard, RETURNING TO COAST. Hamilton, July 31. Mr.

and Mrs. George Unrue and children, Beverly, Exhibit Grain m.U. 11 a. a.k J. Colbert of Lexington, O.

Tom visit are here from Seattle for a George and Richard, will leave Hamuioii, oui.y ii. Blla L.pprr ljiiiii trees me ppf.rson' fnthpr Nplnl I VL and Rov Bass will leave Saturday control mits were oresent al the fl N'L. ISaturday for the return to their a brother, Ralph, at 7. 'a v- ILTnnfona Ktt auu home In Seattle. They arrived Steele, was graduated recently from "Kn Rifle PoPOlVOrl chauffeur-driven Army U1U9 IVCCCIf CU mobile and supervised construction On Valley Project dernt Helena.

July bids Picked up at Plalnfield. E. E. Con- lO Biienu uic i'uiu, inrcimij Hawkins of Praise, Hector Johnson of McKee and Charles B. Candler of Somerset seek the nomination.

All nine of Kentucky's congressmen are up for renomlnation. Missoula. Sunday from the coast for the week the Chanute, 111., field school of the In the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.

N.Army air forces technical training EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Legion, Auxiliary Abbey. Mrs. Unrue Is a daughter Merle Steele is now fair at Great Falls as exniDitors oi grain. Mr.

Peterson has been a consistent grain show man for several vears, winning many international awards at the Chicago shows. v. v. rov. assisiani ioi uuctiui, mm Poison.

Julv 31. Two stationed In Seattle. tana Water conservation board for MacFarlane carried a 2b caliber Mauser pistol In his automobile. Corporal Walter Heckman recog RETURNS TO CIRCLE. COURT FINES $132.

Big Meat Packers To Make Refunds JLU I Kllll kjUUUdJ and ncv. Neil Wallace, will conduct Whipflsh. July and 8rouP of special rneetings begin-Auxiliary members mill hold their' 8 next Tuesday at the First Bap- KalisDell. July 31. One hundred i Hamilton.

July 31. Mrs. Minnie Births nized that the pistol was not a side-arm issue of the Army. construction of a small storage proj-1 ect on Big creek, 13 miles west of Victor in Ravalli county. The project called for construction of a dirt and timber-surfaced dam.

The board will finally dispose of and thirty-two dollars in fines were. Adrian left Thursday for her home paid into the city this month, ac-'at Circle after a weeks visit with cording to the July report of Police her daughter. Mrs. Gardner Brown- I deny this charge and I have Washington, July 31. HP) The Biz Three- meat packers Armour t.

mi, Picnic Sundav at the Muni- cnurcn. saic KabspeU. July 3L-Mr and Mrj Columbia Falls, with Heal Hensley are parent of a organizations from daughter, born today at KauspeJ rmJ EXTRAS daughter bom today at Kpea ,1 EXTRA Judae H. L. Lokenscard.

Arrests lee. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee ac- records to prove it." the five foot, four-inch defendant declared yesterday as Federal Judge William J. and Company, Swift and company, lncluded two drunken drivers, three companied Mrs.

Adrian to Missoula, i Bn(1 yV'iLson and Company, Inc- SIGHT CLERK. General hospital dierV home invited to attend. Rev. Padise. In-Mr.

and Mrs. Egu Engebretson are in railroad business during ihave agreed to audit records of thriri the project Wednesday after indi- peace disturbances, one speeding FORMER PATROLMAN VISITS. charge and 10 drunks. Barker held him in bail on charges of impersonating an FBI agent and a U. 8.

Army major. 800 branch houses and refund to caung iurmer acnou vvv-customers all above-celling charges jponed until after the war. parents of a daughter, born today has'annmjnced mTbK pimic recent weeks has made it necessary Superior. July 31 Ernest Allen. CANVASSING STATE VOTE.

former hiahway patrolman in this for dressed beef and pork, the Office of Price Administrator announced, HIGH TRAVEL MARK. BrriaBiriTrn Hpima. Ju'v 31. The state district, is srjending a short furlough 7 i'l at 1:30 and will be Mr. and Mrs.

Wlem of Northern Pacific station here. Halifax. Canada, are parents of Frances Lawler Is filling the new today. Chicago, July 31. JP The Pull i la'saa.

canvassing board went into session with Mrs. Allen, the former Miss today to prepare the final, official Esther Johnson. Mr. Allen is with son, born today at the hospitaL position. Concord.

N. July 31. 0PV Prefabricated wooden bridges are being used in New Hampshire as es The agreement climaxed a broad man company reported today it car returns of the July 21 primary elec- the Marine corps. investigation of the Industry by ried an all-time high in troop Camas Prairie BRICKHAtSER ILL. tion.

Board members are Governor OPA. movements and tne year peaa in result war priorities. i Yt'V. 11 a ATTEND CONVENTION. Investigation of other meat pack-.

civilian travel during June. John C. Chiids. bridge engineer i flrK inr I AM ho hM No- 1 0,1 state treasurer, and Sam W. Mitch Ttia mtmhar KAifiiara iiiuvt inn itf tha aTaf nwnviT nmrrmmL 1 r' 0,7 rC!" continue.

OPA said, in the CleasonPucher attended the Moose menta wia hone that similar agreements will 1 I Grea Great Northern railway conductor tn secretary of state. Marines transported in organized said today the program bad proved Marriage Permits Hamilton, July 3L A marriaae license was issued to Thomas Ren-naker and Violet Squires. Friday at the office of Clerk Marshall Anderson. The young people rwide in the Charlos Heights district. 1 convention at Deer Lodge.

its value in emergencies. be arrived at soon. movements in ruuman cars toiaiea TWO HAMILTON GAMES. there they went to Yellowstone park lists on uus division lor many years, lis reported seriously ill at a Spokane IwpitaL The spans range from 30 to fO Hamilton. July 31.

A double- and will return to Libby in aoout feet. -Unintentional errors- for the 565.200 during June ana tne total most part appeared to be responsible for the first six months this year for the illegal charges. Price Ad-; was more than 3,000,000, the corn- header hardball program i sched- ten days. RETURNS TO MINNEAPOLIS. uled for Sunday on the Hamilton fcm Cstrm tra KSITKLYV pany said.

minis tra tor Leon Henderson said. A LEAVE FOR WASHINGTON Alberton. July 31. Miss Marine diamond, with Kalispells troops as Rives, teacher at the Shrine hos-'the invaders. First same is set for Alberton.

July 31- Mr. and Mrs. nital in MinneaDolis. left for Min- 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon and Lee DeWald left for RiUville. INGERSOLL INDUCTED.

New York. July 31. AV-Ralph FILM STARS MARRIED. Hollywood. July 31.

Actress Diana anymore, member of Atner- Whitefish Golfers To Invade Poison Whitefish, July 31. A Urge dele nesota Wednesday following a visit the second is a twilight contest Wash, last week where Mr. De Paradise, July 1 irno(h an vrriht. Camas Prairie nt included in the original plans for the remit SO drive-in Sanders count? and na qunla as set far that community, but the people of Camas Prairie turned in vbat wa probably the largest per capita contribution in Western Montana. People of the Cimu vicinity contributed and Perm added another S2.6.

bringing the fond to 113. QmU for the entire roanty was S2M. Mn. William Maaritson and Miss GUdrs Sipes had charge of the IngersoIL editor of the Newspaper with relatives here and up the Nine at 6:30. (HEHAIUE WEAKNESS Try Lrdla PlnkbanTs Vecvtabio Compound to help telle mnathly pain with Its weak, nervona foellaea Wald will assist in the harvesting of wheat at his former home there.

PM. was inducted into the Army lea first theatrical family, to today as a volunteer. He will report honeymooning in Northern Call-at Camp Upton on Long Island today with Actor Bnunwell mnrmor. Fletcher. Mile.

i I -1 1 I MISS TRUMPER VISITS-LEAVE FOR FHILIPSBURG. Kalispell. July 31. Miss May Hamilton. Julv 31.

Mrs. of London. Ohio, Is a At WOOD HOME. gation of golfers from here is expected to go to Poison Sunday, as aatU of the Poison club. It is ex Libby, July 31.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Kramer and her dauehter. house tnest of Mr.

and Mrs. Ellis b. Kar? of Helena are visiting at to moouur lUKina mm pected that play will get under way It Dei pa Duna iw The 41-year-old editor enlisted; Miss Barrymore, 21. daughter of after his local draft board refused the late John Barrymore, and to change Ins 1-A classification fol- Fletcher, 3. were married here Tes-inartno- an iimi irr Martha 11 Field, terdar at a ceremony attended hjr autre of ait- left Thursday to join Mr.

Kramer Dickey. Formerly, she was Flat- trie home of Mrs. Kane's parents, nd make their hnmf at Rutins head countv suDerintendent of Mr. and Mrs. A.

A. Wood. Another ruca colt FoOow toad aUrecttona. about 10 a. BLt but Ukoce who arrive later will be able to finish the 18 botes of play after lunch, which rill be atrred ai 1.30.

burg where he was recently made, schools and later state superintend- daughter, Mrs. Kelvin Hedine, la i rr A Mccevfnl drirc ia the Ci (owner fx, ta lngersoas seoau. aowui a i Prairie farming district. manager of the j. Penney start, em oi puouc msuueuon.

iio guco, 3s,.

The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.