Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

a in in con- by THE EVANSVILLE COURIER- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1954 Government Censor of TV Shows Burns Fatal Held 'Dangerous', Undemocratic by WASHINGTON, Oct. 20-(P)-The of the American BroadcastTo Housewife nications Commission took and undemocratic censor television shows. FCC member Rosel H. Hyde submitted that view.

on behalf the commission, to a Senate subcommittee seeking to determine whether TV crime shows increase juvenile delinquency. Earlier, the subcommittee heard: A witness protest that TV was pouring "mental poison" into the minds of children. 2. Two television executives contend adventure and crime pro-ling grams have nothing to do with juvenile delinquency. Mrs.

Clara Logan of Los An- the position today it would be for the government to geles, president of the National Assn. for Better Radio and Television, said "mental poison" came from TV crime programs and that nothing but television "could accomplish such a saturation of violence." She saw no need for government censorship, but said parents who feel some programs are hurttheir children can withhold their support from broadcasters and sponsors of the programs. Robert H. Hinckley, a vice pres- Revised Post Office Rules Printed Simpler Words WASHINGTON, Oct. partment, in a sweeping public a new Postal Manual, "boo-by-trap regulations, Postmaster General Summerfield: said the booklet.

in preliminary form, brings together in 268 pages "public-interest material formerly scattered through publications with more than 4.000 of close print," and he addeges In Plain English "We have also restored the use of simple English. The publication is being distributed to major users of the for suggestions before being finallized on Nov. 20 as the officialling guide for mail operations. As an example of the changes which revised manual will make. the department noted the discard of a long-standing rule which said that when a publisher sold subscriptions through an agency, he had to net least 30 per cent of the advertised subscription price in order to keep the second class mailing privilege.

Under the new rules, the department said, "publishers may obtain subscriptions under agreements with agents without having the terms of the agreement dictated by the post office. We don't care who gets what so long as the publication otherwise fits the second class mailing classification." Any Kind of Paper Similalry, the announcement said it had junked an interpretation of an 1879 law defining second class (mail. This ruled out publications printed on unconventional papers, such as translucent, foil or certain acetate materials. "If you publish a Summerfield said, "you may now include modern, attractive pages on the new kinds of paper. Nineteenth century restrictions have been discarded." Here are some other changes: Business houses using metered or printed postage impressions for certain types of mail need only to include their permit number in the impression--not the section and number of the law or postal, regulation tendered.

under which the U.S. Grand Jury Indicts Peterson ALEXANDRIA, Oct. 20-4P -A federal grand jury today indicted Joseph S. Petersen on charges of obtaining defense crets with intent or reason believe? they would be used to injure this country and aid another. The tall, bespectacled former employe of the supersecret.

National Security Agency answered the indictment with a firm "not Continued at liberty under 000 bond. Petersen told reporters: "I plead not guilty and I am not guilty." The indictment did not mention the Netherlands, disclosed Tuesday as the foreign country involved in the case. Nab 9 Communist Leaders In Plot to Overthrow U.S. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, munist leaders were arrested by FBI agents on charges of of the government. The Reds Another Puerto Rican Communist leader was seized simultaneously in New York.

The group apprehended here included Juan Santos-Rivera, a Moscow-trained Communist, member of the party since 1932 and its former President. The FBI expressed belief the arrests would cripple the party apparatus in this island which got commonwealth status in 1952 after more than a half century as a U. S. territory. Santos-Rivera, 51, called the arrests vicious.

He told reporters the party never advocated overthrowing the government by force. Others charged "an open violation of the constitutional rights of Puerto Ricans." They insisted their legal rights had been trampled upon. They contended the Smith Act, under which they were held. lost its legal status here Activities On Wall Street By THOMSON M'KINNON News and of Vigorous Growth" for the air conditioning business were pictured by D. C.

Minard, president of the Trane Co. Speaking at a luncheon of the New York Society of Security Analysts, he listed three fields assuring flourishing business for the industry--new construction of large buildings, new stores and residential building. The residential field seemed most interesting since stated that year-round air conditioning will become available home owner in the $3,500 1 income bracket. PRIVATELY held Campbell Soup like the Ford Motor is planning to offer stock to the public. It is expected to appear within the next month and will not represent new financing.

The stock that will be marketed originated in the estate of John T. Dorrance, late sole owner of the company. Misplaced Voter Vows to Ballot For Barkley -A voter walked into COVINGTON, Oct. the office of the Kenton County clerk yesterday and he wanted to vote for Alben W. Barkley, Democratic candidate for the U.

S. Senate. He explained he was registered in both Bell County, and Cincinnati, Ohio, and now he desired to sign up in Kenton. A deputy clerk said that was impossible but an absentee ballot to Bell County might be ranged. "All right.

I'll vote for him in Cincinnati then," he answered. He was duly informed he couldn't vote for Barkley in Cincinnati because Barkley was not on the ballot in Ohio. "Don't tell me how to vote." he "I'll Barkley in Cincinnati whether you say SO not." Kentucky Broadcasters To Seek Higher Power PARK. Oct. 20-P-A Kentucky chapter of the Community Broadcasters Assn.

was formed today at a conference held in conjunction with the Kentucky Broadcasters Assn. meeting here. Purpose of the Kentucky chapter be to join the CBA. a national organization, in seeking an increase in power to 1,000 watts for some 960 class 4,250 watt stations in the country. Nineteen of the stations 'are in Kentucky.

F. E. Lackey Hopkinsville. acting chairman of national organization, said if the power increase was granted by the Federal Communication Commission, inIterference between stations would occur only in a few isolated cases. Flag-Raising to Climax Celebration by Legion Mayor H.

0. Roberts has proclaimed Oct. 20 to Nov. 11 'AL Weeks" in honor of the American Legion. Open house will be held at the four Legion homes for eligible veterans during the two program, which will be climaxed with a flag-raising ceremony on Dress Plaza at 7:30 a.m.

Veterans Day, Nov. 11. The sponsoring posts are Funkhouser, Eugene Pate, Everette Burdette and Otis Stone. Building Permits Servel. Kentucky avenue and E.

Franklin street. heating. $13.350. Cyrille W. Hanson.

909 N. Alvord residence. $4.300. Hayden Loge, 2450 Albert restdence. $4.500.

COUNTY Guthrie May and 501 W. Mill house. $2,450. N. Wedgewood E.

Kroeger. street. service Boonville station, highway $8.300. and Miscellaneous NEW, YORK Thomson COTTON McKinnon MARKET High Low Close March 34.94 34.88 34.88 May 35.14 35.09 35.09 Dec. 34.62 34.55 34.55 Oct.

20-(P)-Nine Comtoday in a predawn roundup plotting forcible overthrow indignantly cried "foul." when Puerto Rico became a commonwealth. There were no reports of violence in connection with the arrests, announced here and by Justice Department officials in Washington. The nine seized here were arraigned before Federal Commission Ramon Julia. They were charged with "conspiring with each other to commit offenses against the United States, in advocating and teaching the necessity of overthrowing and destroying the government of the United States in Puerto Rico and the government of Puerto Rico by force and violence." They filed no plea at the arraignment. The commissioner fixed bond in each case at and set a hearing for Nov.

9. After the arraignment, the Red leaders were jailed. FOR SALE DWELLING. BUILDINGS FOR MILL TERRACE NO.2 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA The United States Government, acting through the Public Housing, Administration, is offering for sale, and will October receive offers for a period of thirty days beginning 18, 1954 and ending November 18, 1954. The buildings are two stories in height, frame construction, and each building contains 8, 10 or 12 units.

They are located as follows: Parcel No. Address Bldg. No. 933-37 Dresden Street A.1 1716-21 Third Ave. Place A.2 1717-21 Third Ave.

Place A.3 1806-08-14-16 Third Ave. Place B.5 1807-11-13-17 Third Ave Place C.4 1803-07-08-13 Second Ave. Place C.10 1802-06-10 Second Ave. Place B.11 Offers to purchase will be accepted on one or more buildings. The Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids which the Government considers unacceptable.

General Conditions of Sale, bid forms, and other information may be obtained from Mr. Jean Wiseman, 1017 North New York Avenue, Phone 3-5487, or Public Housing Administration, 185 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago Illinois. FIFTY-THREE Prices Advance; Wheat, Rye Contracts Dip CHICAGO, Oct. 20-(P)-Soybeans advanced, feed grains held about steady and wheat and rye declined on the Board of Trade today. Leases in rye were fairly sharp.

The market reversed of earlier days this week. during which wheat advanced and soybeans and corn fell back under rather severe selling, pressure. Higher Prices generally were higher at the all pits, wheat and rye scoring fair sized gains. It wasn't long, however, before buypower These two cereals were at the day's lows at the finish. Wheat closed to 1 cent lower, corn higher, oats unchanged to higher, lower, soybeans 2 to 3 cents higher and lard 10 cents lower to $1.10 a hundred pounds higher.

The big gain in lard came in the October future. This was the last day for trading in that month and there was quite a rush upon the part of previous short sellers to get out. Loose lard advanced to sell at cents a pound, best price since Sept. 20. Failure of a single car load of soybeans to arrive on track at Chifor cago beans.

was factor also in Wereemard by a firmer tone in cash oil and cash meal. Export Demand There appeared to be quite a bit of export demand stirring for beans. Denmark took 80.000 bushels. Export circles reported receiving inquiries from West Germany, Holland, Japan and Formosa. Portugal is scheduled to buy 350,000 bushels Oct.

26. Corn started out lower. Cash dealers reported bookings of 63.000 bushels on a to-arrive basis overnight. However, there were no bookings so reported during the day. corn receipts were quite large at 158 cars but the market held up better than yesterday, losing only 1 cent.

Wheat's slump appeared to be mainly a technical matter coming after its advance in the two previous sessions. A slight pick up in hedging pressure was reported. The drop in rye was attributed to selling upon the part of those who have become discouraged at the failure of the long talked about business with West Germany to develop. Rye also was lower at Winnipeg. GRAIN FUTURES By THOMSON McKINNON Open High Low Close WHEAT Dec.

2.191 2.18 2.18 Mar. 0.22 2.21 2.21 2.20 21 2.19% July 2.10% 2.11 2.0912 Dec. 1.53 521 1.52 July 1.59 1.593 1.58¼ 1.59 Mar 1.561 1.567 1.564 1.56 May 1.58 1.687 1.573 OATS Dec. .79 .80 .80 Mar 807 .8037 .81 May RYE Dec. 1.37 1.37¼ 1.33¼ 1.33¼ Mar.

1.40 1.40¼ 1.36 1.361 May 1.42 1.42% 1.38¼ 1.381 LARD Oct 17.20 18.00 17.02 17.20 Dec. 13.60 13.70 13.42 13.47 15.50 SOYBEANS Nov. 2.72¼ 2.74. 2.71½ 2.73 Jan, 2.76 2.77½ 2.75¼ 2.77¼ Mar. 2.79 2.80 2.78 May 2.79 2.80½ 2.78¾ 2.80¼ Grain Quotations at a station.

$1.94. SOYBEANS (By McCarty Seed Co.) Black and brown. $2.28 per bushel; yellow $2.53 per bushel. Based on 0.S No. with 13 per cent moisture and 2 per cent foreign matter.

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CHICAGO-(AP) -Wheat: none. New corn: No. 3 yellow No. 4 81.41½ 48. Old corn: 2 yellow sample grade $1.45: extra No.

heavy 1 white white $1.5512. sample Oats: white Soybeans: none. WHEAT (By Isleheart Brothers) No. 2 white. $1.96 at Evansville: price Queen Elizabeth Knights Eden In Surprise Palace Ceremony LONDON.

Oct. 20-4P-Queen Elizabeth II knighted Anthony Eden today. The 57-year-old eign secretary, kneeling before his young sovereign, became a Knight of the Garter--the highesst order of British chivalry--at the touch of a golden sword. safArise, Sir Anthony," Elizabeth Surprise Ceremony The 15-minute surprise ceremony at Buckingham Palace delighted both Eden's colleagues in Prime Minister Churchill's Conservative Mr. Feeder GAY-KEY FEEDS "They Produce More" Ultra hog supplement The most economical hog supplement on the market because one bag equals two bags of hog supplement, Edward F.

Goeke Sons Main Division Streets Evansville, Indiana government and the opposition Laborites. A short time later Eden flew in a Royal Air Force aimed transport to Paris for talks to restore West Germany's sovereignty and add German units to the West's defenses. 7th Commoner for Honor Eden is only the seventh commoner to be made a Knight of the Garter since 1700. He and Churchill, knighted April 24. 1953.

are the only living commoner members of the order. The new honor brings Eden nothing substantial except the title of "Sir" and the right to walk ahead of plain ministers and knights of lesser rank on formal occasions. He also is entitled to a stall in St. George's chapel at Windsor, the order's religious home, and to hang his banner there. This is reminiscent of the days when knights wore armor and went forth with banners flying to battle for their sovereign.

Order Founded in 1348 The order was founded i in SO the story goes, because a dancing partner of King Edward IlI dropped a garter. When the surrounding courtiers looked amused or horrified, the chivalrous king picked garter, returned it to his blushing partner, and said in the old style French then used at "Hono soit que mai That means: "Evil to him who evil thinks." That phrase remains the order's motto. Come in Now Save Now on GOOD YEAR Tire-Wheel-Battery SERVICE SPECIALS Chances are you've piled up plenty of miles on Vacation and weekend trips. Better see us for a Safety Check- -Make sure your tires, brakes, and battery are in condition give you safer trouble-free driving in the months ahead. 10-DAY LIMIT OFFERS! FREE TIRE INSPECTION We inspect for cuts, bruises, proper inflation, wheel balance and wear.

USE OUR EXPERT SERVICE We Cross Switch your will insure safer tires for better serve operation. ice longer wear. We mount or remove We make tire and snow or other spectube repairs that ial purpose tires. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL Reg. 2.00 Value Clean and front wheel repack bearings.

Now Only Check Cylinders-add fuel. Adjust for Hurry full drum 10-Day contact. Limit WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Reg. 2.50 Value BALANCE 4 WHEELS NOW Price Includes Weights ONLY $700 HURRY OFFER LASTS 10 DAYS Wheel Alignment Save $200 Here's What We Do 7.50 Reg. Value Correct Camber Hurry! 10-day Special Correct Caster Correct or Toe-Out 50 Work done by factory trained experts.

FREE-4 Pt. BATTERY SERVICE We'll 1. Check water level Make Sure 2. Clean top of battery Your 3. Check fasteners for BATTERY tightness has "GO" 4.

Gauge remaining service USE OUR EASY "PAY PLAN GOODYEAR GOOD YEAR SERVICE STORE TIRES 4th at Walnut St. Ph. 5-5296 Help Wanted -Men -22 Write 502 Greta GENERAL MOTORS IN KANSAS CITY Has immediate opening in our 84 Thunderstreak JET AIRCRAFT PROGRAM for FLIGHT MECHANICS GENERAL AIRCRAFT MECHANICS SHEET METAL MECHANICS INSPECTORS (Final, Flight, Bench And Sub- Assembly And Assembly) RIVETERS ASSEMBLERS Interested party contact our plant representative J. M. Ireland Vendome Hotel, 5-7251 Sat.

and Oct. 22, 23, 24 EXPERIENCED maintenance enclbeet supervise and maintain institucional building and grounds. Write Courier-Press Box qualifications, experience. AMBITIOUS SALESMEN Can place 4 men on our sales force. Car.

necessary 1 to $200 per werk 2-4646 ESTABLISHED Fuller Brush TOULA available for married man 1 cat Permanent Work ment Average carbides $75 per ling said: "I would like to state with great conviction that I do not believe television is anything remotely approaching a factor in our problem. He said Russia, with limited television facilities, and New Zealand, which has none, both have major juvenile delinquency problems. Miss Grace Johnson, in charge lot gram judging scripts, and editing, believes ABC pro- the western and adventure stories of even help to prevent some delinquency among children. Such shows, she said. "serve as a release for their hostility and aggressiveness which without an escape might manifest itself in physical violence.

20-(P)-The Post Office overhaul of its rules, today made which it said was stripped folklore and dubious advice." There will no longer be a 10 cent penalty, if metered postage happens show the wrong date the metering. Dependents of servicemen ferred from one duty station to other will have all of their including parcel post, forwarded to the new address without postage charges. The old ulations provided only for forwardfirst class mail and other addressed individually to the iceman himself. Persons taking advantage of mail for the blind need mark items only "free mail for blind" without looking up and cluding the number. of the authorizing mail.

Overseas parcel post rates been reduced to greatly simplified tables showing acceptable weights, sizes and rates. The booklet also includes precedented "how to do it" trations on how package wrap mail, fix letters on parcels, and pack fragile articles, among other things. Summerfield said: Words Cut Out "The illustrations alone will place thousands of words of fusing instructions. "We have humanized and simplified the postal regulations as of the President's mandate to prove the postal service and duce its costs." Sachs Urges Early Mailing Of Yule Gifts Aid to Servicemen De- of Postmaster J. Edgar Sachs yesterday warned that Christmas gifts of to members of the armed forces serving overseas should be in the within the next few days.

"Sachs said all parcel post packages for GI's should be mailed not later than Nov. 1 to insure delivery for Christmas. Air parcel post for Army Post Office and Fleet Post Office numbers are limited in weight to two pounds and 30 inches in length and girth combined. All other parcels are limited to 70 pounds and may not exceed 100 inches in length and girth. The postmaster said perishable articles are accepted, but the post office will not guarantee their condition upon arrival.

Matches. lighter fluid and liquor are forbidden. He said expensive gifts should be registered. Sachs stressed the importance of correct address. Servicemen are constantly on the move and any delay due to faulty address may mean delivery after Christmas, he added.

He urged names of the service. men be printed directly on the package saying that labels frequently fall off when exposed to moisture. said last year 6,567.924 pieces overseas mail were postmarked by the Evansville Post Office between Dec. 1 and 25. He re-lexpects a heavier volume this year.

Tor Torch-Slaying Suspect Handed to Oklahoma FORT WORTH, Shivers today ordered the from Texas to Oklahoma ness executive faces murder the torch death of an unidentified The extradition order issued at Austin followed Hagler's marriage to comely German-born Elisabeth Bergmann by a few hours. The marriage means that the former Miss Bergmann cannot be forced to testify against her husband. Shortly was before announced, Gov. Hagler's Shivers' ac- attorney, Byron Matthews, told newsmen Austin that he would surrender his client to Fort Worth authorities tomorrow morning, then file suit for his release from custody. Word of the marriage was received a few hours after Hagler was released from jail in Fort Worth where he was held for questioning about a mysterious diamond ring.

Another late development in the slaying, of a man was identified discovery only of stains police believe may have been caused by blood. in Hagler's Fort Worth home. The house is admitted by Miss Bergmann to have been a "love nest" where she and Hagler lived as man and Rule Parlay Cards Are Not Gambling CHICAGO. Oct. 20-4P-A municipal court judge ruled today that football parlay cards are not gambling devices unless they have been The filled defendants out by in a bettorse were Frank Laino and Daniel Adair.

They were arrested in downtown Chicago while they were sitting in a car in a no-parking zone. The policeman, Nicholas Juric, testified he found 1,200 parlay cards in the auto but that he saw no money change hands. Adair was fined $10 and costs for illegal parking. Bowling Scores AT POCKET B'NAI BRITH LEAGUE Kings League High single- -P. Gorman High series--P.

Gorman High team single- Hillside Flowers High team series- Hillside Flowers Donald Duck Bread League High single--M. Weedman Eigh series E. High team single--Al Texaco High teem series- Schaffer's Funeral Home Hot Shot Ladies' League High single- Swonder High series- V. Crosley and L. Mattingly High team single- Lomax, Doerner Higit team series Servel Mixed League High women's single- Ruth High women's series Ruth Fox High men's single- Gerard High men's series- Gerard High team Rookies High team series High single- Jack Bates .213 High series -Gil Honig 544 High team single- Gem Furniture 874 High team series- -Gem Furniture .2351 AT YMCA LANES CHARM LEAGUE High single- series-Z.

Morrison Morrison 456 160 High team singleJurgensmeier Jurks 732 High team seriesJurgensmeler Jurks 2070 CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE High single- Defiendahl 206 High 2 games 355 High team single- Furies 668 High team amnes 1239 High single Johnson 199 AMERICAN LEAGUE series- Bob Johnson 534 High team Single- First Christian 766 High team series- First Christian .2213 AT WEST SIDE LANES Hi Lo League High single- Rosell Kenarick 212 High series-Rosell Kendrick 572 High team single -Double Cola 845 High team series--Double Cola 2355 National League High single- Chet Rice 212 High series- Chet Rice 535 High team single- Frederick Mach. 906 High team series- Frederick Mach, 2293 AT JENSEN'S Chrysler Bowling League High single- Williams 238 High series- Waters 605 High team single- Finishers 875 High team series- Trimmers 2522 Ben Becker League single- Evelyn Derrington 187 High series- Ella Crow 504 High team single- Glamour Beauty Shoppe 598 High team series- -Glamour Beauty Shoppe 1667 Pleasure Leakue High single- Jack Demar 224 High series- Roy Fink 587 High team single -Me-jo 886 High team 2545 AT FRANKLIN LANES Herb Henderson League High single--J. Stewart 203 High series- Riffert 551 High team single--Mead Johnson No. 876 High team series-Wright T.V. 2395 MARION, Oct.

20-(Special) -Flaming paraffin which ignited her clothing this morning caused the death of a Repton housewife. Mrs. Lillie Hill, 76, died in Crittenden, after County a Hospital accident a few canning in her farm home kitchen, According to the story pieced together by her blind husband, George A. Hill, and their son, Frank, Mrs. Hill had been melting paraffin to seal preserve jars when the fluid boiled over onto the stove.

Mrs. Hill poured water on the paraffin, which caused it to explode and spread the flames. She attempted to throw the pan of flaming fluid out-of-doors, but the flames ignited her clothing. Mrs. Hill rolled in the grass near the kitchen door and partially extinguished the flames, but not before she was burned fatally.

Legal Notice-1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE On October 28th. 1954 at 10 o'clock A.M. Parker's, Owensboro. Daviess County, Kentucky, public sale of 1950 DeSoto Club Cpe. bearing serial number 150080852.

will be held, for cash to the highest bidder. Inspection thereof mar be made at the above address, the place of storage, and sale. Dated. October 12th. ASSOCIATES DISCOUNT CORPORATION by D.

W. Laughery. Attorney 816 Maccabees a Detroit. Michigan Courier, October 21. 22.


Probate Wilkins, deceased, in the Vanderburch Court. September Term. 1954. Notice is hereby given, that the under. siened Wilkins.

Executor of the estate of Elsa deceased. has presented and account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate. and that the same will come up for examination and final action of said Court on the 16th day of November 1954, at which time heirs, creditora, legatees, distributes and all other persons interested In Court estate, are required to in said and show cause, if any there be why said account and vouchers should not be approved: and the heirs or lexatees of said estate are also required to their appear on heirshin, said day and make proof Witness, My hand, at Evansville, Indiene, this 19th day of October, 1954 CLARENCE F. NIEDERHAUS Executor Olson Niederhaus Attys for Executor Courier. October 21.

28. 1954. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION No. 11.642 In the matter of the estate of Jacob Karch deceased. In the Probate Court.

September Term 1954 Karch Notice was is hereby that Elizabeth on the 5th day of October. 1954. the appointed Personal Representative of who died of Jacob Karch. deceased. testate.

All persons havine claims against sald the same whether in or said not court due. within must six months from the date of the first publication this notice or said claims be forever barred. Dated at Evansville Indiana. this 5th day of October. 1954.

BERT REED. Ciert of the Probate Court for Vanderburch County Indiana By re L. Blum. Deputy Clerk VICTOR Attorney AHRENS. 703 for Personal Representative Hulman Bide.

Evansville Ind. Courier. Oct 7-14-21. 1954. Cemetery Lots-3 FOR SALE -4 burial plots Sunset Memorial Gardens 3-1681 Monuments-3-A No Order Too Large or Small Markers -MonumentsANDREW SCHUM SONS Dale, Ind.

Ph. 161; Evansville 6-1093 Funeral DirectorsTed Zieme Fountain Terrace Chapel 2063 Division St Ph 7-1515 Alexander Funeral Home Air and Auto Ambulance Service 2100 W. Illinots Phone 3-4477 Lost and Found-10 BEAGLE- -Black and tan. male: lost near TV station. 3-3607.

STRAYED from the vicinity of Alvord and Powell. beagle hound. anwers to the name of Jack. Chain leash dragging from neck. Child's pet.

Reward. 6-3139 LOST- -Cowhide billfold. Valuable papers. Reward, Ph.LOST Child' bet: blackie white bulldog: last seen Stop and Shop' on Hardine. Ph.

2-6053. Costumes-11-A COSTUMES for sale. Between 5-8 p. 1430 E. Sycamore, MASQUERADE Costumes for rentchildren, adults, 1013 Elliott.

COSTUMES For rent. All sizes. 204 W. Maryland. Notices-12 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INS.

BECKER AGENCY PH. 4-4372 Franklin. Evansville Ind ON and after this date. Oef. 21.

1954. will not be responsible for any debts contracted for by one other than myself. Lawrence Weigel. 26 Edear St. Evansville WANT 0.8.

government job? Menwomen. 18-55. Start high $350 month. Qualify now! 23.000 Jobs open. Experience often unncessary free book showIn Sobs.

salaries, tests. requirements Courier -Press. Box 647. AUTO INSURANCE- BONDS LOW RATES PAY MONTHLY F. W.

BURNS SON 17 N.W. Second St. Ph 5-2824 IS YOUR clothes. furniture. TV.

car insured? For prompt service. MIDWEST AGENCY Ph. 3-2212 Bail Bonds 3.2212 Day -CAMPBELL-Night LICENSE REVOKED? S. R. 22'S FILED TERMS IF DESIRED HARRY I.

SABEL INSURANCE AGENCY 21 N.W. 2nd St. Ph. 3-5297 Professional Service-14 PIANO Terms, tuning Tom $7.50. Free estimates.

Winterman. 5-1778. PRESCRIPTION fIlled Prom pt. curate friendly service 3-8581 Prescription Arts Pharmacy GILLIAN: I lust passed vour house saw vour windows gleam tell me where do NOU bur that WINDOW CLEEN? DOROTHY. MONEY TROUBLES SEE THE Budget Plan INC.

8.E. Third Ph. 2-3236 Travel Opportunities-18 LEAVING for Miami Oct. 24. Take 2 passengers, References.

3-9373. 7 NEAT appearing young men. single or couples (vets preferred). 21 to 30. Free to travel entire United States Transportation furnished new cars drawing aCe count.

Earnings above average. Apply Friday Mr Laney. Sonntar Hotel. 10 a.m to p.m. No phone calls.

MAN to shuck corn by band. Call 5-3047. OPPORTUNITY in city of Evansville for ambitious man dissatistled with present work OT earnings. Must have car and neat appearance-sothe cash on hand. Pleasant.

profitable business backed by world -wide Industry. For personal confidential interview. Write Rawleich's. Dept. INJ-850-HIH, Freeport.

Ill SALESMAN Route work. preferable expertenced in Dre Cleanine Industre. State full particulars about sourself in first letter. tor this petmanent position. Write Courier.

Press Box 672. Veterans, Young Men Arcredited course. in tool desten and arcintectural draftine. See the cla tulfication Ph 4-9311 Lain Drafting College MAN tor sales and collection work on insurance debit. Guaranteed starting salary.

Car necessary. Must be ambitious and willing to work. Apply 407 Metronolitan Bide. between 6 and 9 p.m. Oct.

20 or 21. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN Age 25 to 45. to represent national firm selling automotive hardware to auto dealers, body shops. tractore and maintenance garages Evansville area. Special training in established accounts.

Phone H. Wilson. Sonnta: Hotel. MEN WANTED to contact home owners. No selling required.

A oote earnings. Will interview between 9 12 a.m. 212 Court St. Help Wanted- Women- We are expanding our fled phone room facilities and need women with pleasing telephone voices. Must nave had nome sellIn experience.

This is a position that require and the ability to converse convincingly. Must be loca unencumbered and permanent work. Good starting salary with raiser based on merit day 40 hour. week. You will be trained ton the 100) to interested sell in classified advertisine.

having and position Ine with a nice future ideal workconditions, please contact Mr. John Slingerland. Classified Department. Courier- Press. 2nd and Vine Streets.

NO PHONE CALLS. EXTRA SPARK time income 8e l1- ine Powell Cosmetics No delivers Box 568 Courier Press WANTED WOOL PRESSER. Must be good. Annie In person. UNIQUE CLEANERS SALESMAN for Appliance Store.

for interview 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. 1651 Lincoln WANTED Middle-aged white housekeeper, canable of managing home for employed couple Private room. All conveniences Must furnis! local references. 6-2405 after P.M.

for appointment. WHITE LADY to live in: hele housework and care of 3 small children: private room. 800d wares! references recuired. Write Courter-Press. Box 712.

CAPABLE white lady to house work and care nt two dren. private room. good Give age and references Courier and Press Box 682. HOUSEKEEPER For 2 people private room and bath. Give address and phone Write Box 718 Courier-Press, EARN GOOD MONEY -Full or parttime.

Nationally famous apparel line with over 200 items. FirstClare Christmas volume. Write Box 711. Courier -Press EXPERIENCED pastry cook. steady employment.

A a Country Club. 3810 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY for. young ladies 19-35 with selling experience and typing nent. position. good salary.

Mr. Sample Shoes. 12 N.W. Fourth St. SALES GIRL WANTED Experience not necessary, but heinful.

Must be alert and ful, Apply personnel manager, Ross. Reeds Millinery Store, Main. Evansville. WAITRESS A Apply in person Sam Wolf's Bar, Fourth and ingle ATTENTION! Seven neat appearing young ladles -single. 18 to 26.

Free to travet Immediately with chaperoned grOUp to Florida. Texas, fornia and return Transportation furnished. Drawing account, Salary, commission. plus bonus. Pare welcome to interview.

Apply Mrs Lanes, Hotel Friday only 10 A.M to 5 P.M. No phone calla. Work WantedPART TIME JOBS needed for young men attending school Available after p.m. and ende LAIN DRAFTING COLLEGE 4-9311 PART TIME, Work. World War II.

Korean Age 28. Ph. 2-9613 Work Wanted- Women --25 WILL CARE. for children in home: references 7-1319. BE HAPPY with cape, Jacket.

5 stole frome olo fur coats. Phone 5-9851 WORK wanted as dental assistant: age 28 Phone 3-0339 CHILD care In my home two: by lady of 35. Phone 7-1392. RELIABLE lady desires baby ting. Reference Ph.

5-6490. CURTAINS laundered. stretched: washing, ironing. Pickup. 4-9903 Wanted- Men- Women- CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE WANT AD TAKERS Wanted Immediately Oct.

20-(INS) -Gov. Allan extradition of David Hagler where the Fort Worth busicharges in connection with man. wife. Both were divorced recently from their former mates. Ring Reported Stolen Fort Worth officers said samples of the stains will be sent to Oklahoma state police for laboratory analysis.

It was on a lonely country road near Davis. where the seared body of "John Doe" was found in the burned station wagon of Hagler's former wife. The 25-year-old Miss Bergmann, a willowy bride who brunette, is a former war was granted mission to' resume her maiden name when she was divorced from her American airman husband. CITY Boy, 13, Implicated In Three Burglaries A 15-year-old boy has implicated A youth two years younger than himself in three burglaries here. The older boy told police he and the 13-year-old broke into Forney's Mill and Building Supplies, 1821 S.

Shadywood Oct. 7 and the Lubbenhusen Lumber 1813 Shadywood on Oct. 9 and Oct. 13. Total loot amounted to about $6 cash, $1 worth of candy, and a check protector, police reported.

The boys are being questioned for connections with other minor burglaries. City Court Records when booked at City Jail.) (Editor's Note: Names and addresses listed are those riven by the defendants State Charles Boeke. 48. Route 6 drunken driving, withdraws plea of guilty in order motion to quash. motion set for argument Oct.

27. Jack S. Lewis. 33. of 721 Herndon speeding, trial date vacated.

reset for Oct. 27. Carl K. Pace, 27. of 407 Oak drunken driving, withdraws plea of Innocent.

enters plea of guilty. fined $25 and costs. sentenced to 180 days, days suspended. driver's license revoked for one year. Aubrey R.

Davis. 33. of 805 Warner drunken driving, partial trial, continued to Oct. 21. Edward Morse.

38. of 603 Chestnut hit and run. reset for Nov. 17. Linus G.

Debes. 40, of 501 Stanley drunken driving. trial date vacated, reset for Nov. 4. Ocus L.

Wells 29. of 1107 New York drunken driving. submits motion to quash, overruled. set for arraignment Oct. 29.

Owen L. Kifer. 57, of 621 Louisiana operating gaming house, motion to quash overruled. plea of innocent. set for trial Oct.

28. C. M. Floyd. 50.

of 23 E. Louisiana visiting gaming house, same entry as above. Chester H. Baggett, 38. of 701 E.

Maryland resisting arrest. Hame entry. Elodie Embry 27. of 1721 Herndon bit and run. motion to quash filed, set for argument Oct, 28 Claude R.

Brunner. 40. of Indiana no driver's license. plea of guilty, fined $1 and costs, 8 11 pended. Wilbur A.

Smith 39, of 1015 Walnut drunk, plea of guilty, fined $10 and costs. sentenced to 10 days. Ralph L. Turner, 46. Scottsville, drunk, plea of guilty, fined $8 and costs, George L.

Dalton. 29. of 2806 S. Boeke speeding. plea of guilty, fined $5 and costs.

Leona Young. 56. of 614 E. Blackford failure to grant plea of guilty, fined $5 and costs, costs 845- pended. Betty H.

Helm. 21, 01 1211 S. Rotherwood reckless driving, plea of gullty. fined $1 and costs costs suspended. Clayton Kensler.

34. of 1415 E. Division reckless driving, plea of guilts, fined $5 and costs. Charles A. Koon.

30. of N. Fares drunken driving G. Crenshaw appears, arraignment deferred to Oct. 25.

E. Williams. 47. malicious trespassing. plea of gullty fined $25 and costs, sentenced to 120 days.

Robert E. Willis. 20. Route Chandler, preliminary charge of robbers. preliminary hearing waived.

defendant ordered held seven days. $5.000 bond, Charles S. Moorhead 25, Route 2 drunken driving. defense counsel ordered to appear Oct. 28 Thomas E.

Nicholson. 31, of 1925 E. Franklin drunk, Ralph Koehne Dears. trial date of Oct 51 vacated, de- to quash. 216 562 County Court Records 858 2483 NEW SUITS FILED CIRCUIT COURT182 Halliburton Well Cementine Co 455 VA.

John Washburn complaint on account (Clarence Umfleet), 739 PROBATE COURTJackson Electrontes and Television. Inc. Norman Birkhead. doing bust2046 ness unde. the name and style of Norm Birkhead Auto Sales.

complaint on aC215 count. (P. H. Schmidt Lorraine Rudd vs. Alan Rudd, dt 550 vorce.

(L. R. 889 Cora Laval Racon vs. Harry Racon, 2516 divorce. (L.

R. Kiely) Ettie Chastain VS. George Chastain. 190 divorce, (Rice and 485 SUPERIOR COURT212 William Foster vs. Lillie Foster, di587 vorce.

(Raymond Ashby, 887 Magdalene Howland vs. Lord Howland. 2491 divorce, (Edward Crabtree) CANVASSERS wanted for our alert salesman, Siding and storm winRELIABLE HOME PROVEMENT CO Phone 3-7445, CANVASSERS. hone improvements: Best deal in town. 221 Harriet.

Employm't Agencies-26a STENOS- BOOKKEEPERS CAN PLACE YOU AT ONCE BRAMWELL'S PLACEMENT. 4-9843 Brame Has the Jobs STENOGRAPHER 18-20 Some Dictaphone- Ans. Phone DICTAPHONE OPR -20-35 Exp MEN SALESMAN Elect, Machines Eng BackSALESMAN- Office ground $350 mo to start CAR OTHER POSITIONS NOT LISTED Employment Service Licensed Bonded 10912 8.E. Third St. 5-7217 MEN TYPIST -General Office work.

draft exempt. 60 W.P.M SALESMAN Office Machines sales some college. SALESMAN- Insurance WOMEN STENOGRAPHER- Industrial SECRETARY- Uptown. Prefer gle, age 23-35. Other jobs not listed NATION WIDE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Licensed Employment Agency.

610 COURT BLDG 4TH VINE SINCE 1937 PH 3-6229 Instruction-27 PIANO LESSONS All types, grade all ages. Phone 2-5976 Beauty Culture Offers Security DeVry School of Beauty Culture Write 28 Main St. Phone 5-8505 ACCREDITED COURSES In Tool and Gange Desten and Atchitectural Drafting Enroll now APPROVED for Veterans Lain Drafting College 2010 West Ohio Ph 4-9311 TRAINEES WANTED for day and evening classes to fill office positions to be open in the next few months The course 1S short. interesting and inexpensive. The set tuition fee includes all supplies and educator model Comptometer For full tion phone or write to THE COMPTOMETER SCHOOL, Sycamore St Phone 5-1308 Apartments-Furn.

-28 AMS. down 307 diet. 2 down 817 W. Illinois 3 up. ADAMS.

320--2 Rooms down, newly decorated. No children. 2-9435 ADAMS 89- 3 rooms down: paltate bath; near bus. BLACKFORD 634 rooms down Utilities Garage. 3-1263 BLACKFORD.

F. 831-2-room modern efficienes: large closets: private entrance: utilities: adults..

Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.